Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Soulja Boy Puts His Foot Into His Potty Mouth

Yo, Soulja Boy!  Boy, you must be as dumb as a box of rocks for kicking the people that GAVE YOU the FREEDOM to use that potty mouth!  I'm sure the military would be more than glad to give you a front row seat somewhere in the Middle East  to watch the performance they give. There's plenty of gear to wear. Some young soldier, same age as you, would love to trade places with you- you see, he hasn't seen that new baby his wife had since he's been fighting for YOUR freedom- and he won't for another 6 months.  And there is work to be done on the battle field.  - you can't leave those bodies behind.

Regardless of what our constitution says concerning freedom of speech, you have  irritated  and insulted those brave men and women stationed everywhere in the world.  And let's not forget the FBI.  Or maybe you don't understand how important their services are.

And to think you will be kissing someone you love with that potty mouth.  Do the military a big favor!  Drop some of that cash their way.  I'm sure there are plenty of soldiers out there that could use a new limb.

Soulja Boy is coming under fire from some real soldiers.

The 21-year-old rap star isn't doing himself any favors with America's Armed Forces after putting out a video in which he appears to slam the troops along with the FBI.

"F--k the FBI/And f--k all the Army troops/Bitch, be your own man/I'll be flying through the clouds/With green like I'm Peter Pan," he raps about a minute into the new track titled "Let's Be Real," which subsequently went viral on Labor Day.

Needless to say, that didn't go over well with the military.

Citing the controversial lyrics, various Army personnel and veterans have launched a petition seeking to have Soulja Boy's music and memorabilia banned from Army and Air Force bases across the country.

"The song is offensive to our military," writes one petitioner, Dianne Webb. "He should see the mothers' faces and made to attend a troops funeral and see what loss of a real Hero means to the family and every true American. He should apologize for his actions also if he is a man. My son fought for you Soulja, what did you do for him?"

As the Military Times notes, it's doubtful the Marine Corps Birthday Ball will put "Crank That" on its playlist this year, nor do we imagine he'll be on a USO Tour anytime soon.

Realizing the storm of controversy he's unleashed, Soulja, real name DeAndre Cortez Way, subsequently issued a heartfelt mea culpa this morning via the Global Grind.

"As an artist, I let my words get the best of me. Sometimes there are things that we feel, things that we want to express, and when we put them on paper and speak them out loud, they can come out wrong," he wrote in a statement. "When I expressed my frustration with the US Army, not only did my words come out wrong, I was wrong to even speak them. So, I write this to give my sincerest apology to all members of the United States military services, as well as their families that were offended by my most recent lyrics."

The hip-hopster added that he was speaking out of frustration growing up in the "post-9/11" era where he's seen his country fight two seemingly endless wars while failing to take care of the homefront.

"A lot of people in this country are struggling to make ends meet and I think a lot about what if we had never gone to war. Where would our economy be? Our schools, our after-school and work programs, our streets?" he added.

Soulja Boy concluded by saying he never meant to insult those fighting for his freedoms. (Like his freedom to drop $55 million on his own personal jet?)

"In no way do I want to hurt any of our honorable soldiers who put their lives at risk, regardless of how they feel about the two wars we fight in," he said. "I am just frustrated that we haven't been able to bring you all home quick enough and my frustration got the best of me. I am deeply sorry."

He reiterated his feelings in a series of defensive Twitter posts and pleaded ignorance as well.

"I'm sorry I didn't know my music was listened to by so many ears I didn't mean any disrespect. some people just mess with me. y'all know it," he tweeted.

That'll certainly make his fans in uniform feel better.

Here's a look at the video that started it all. Caution: the clip contains explicit language.


  1. This is absurd I can't believe he didn't realize there would be a backlash for saying such things. The other thing to think about he said he is upset they have not been brought home sooner and how much better our "streets" could be if they were here. If we brought all the troops home now, what would they do? We are in a unemployment crisis, if we brought them home they would be worse off. Not to say that that is a reason to keep them over there but it would make the matter worse.

  2. My thoughts are that he did realise it and knew that it would bring him the mega bucks he's used to. Now with the hype that he is apologizing and this song is not being available only brings more hoopla to the situation. I realise that my posting this didn't help.

    That being so have him put every cent that song earns him towards helping the families of the military, Wounded Warriors, family of FBI member.......the list goes on........

    Put his money where his mouth is...because, yes, you are right. And sadly, if those brave men and women came home now what would they do?

  3. That is about the most disrespectful thing I think I have ever heard from just about any liberal.

    It's NOT music, I couldn't even dance to that if I were drunk.

    The language is just way over the top, can you imagine what Jessie and Al would say and do if this were a white entertainer? And I use that word (entertainer) very loosely.

    Does anyone realize what would be done to any person that put those words on paper in the form of a note or letter? They would without a doubt be charged and prosecuted for treason at the minimum.

    Shane said; "If we brought all the troops home now, what would they do?"

    How about we line them (troops) up and give them permission to give his scrawny, trashy mouth, bragging, tattooed, US hating a$$ a good'ol country a$$ whoop'n? Yup, just open up a 55 gallon drum of country a$$ whoop and pour it all over him.

    We can charge admission and donate it to the troops and their families then they could all live well until they could find a job.

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