Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy: Norfolk - Camping Downtown Norfolk

A handful of protesters are camping in downtown Norfolk as part of the nationwide Occupy Wall Street political protests.

At least seven tents and an informational booth were set up at the fountain park off Main Street and Commercial Place. Occupy Norfolk organizer Rex Bonney says the group got a permit to camp there, between two national bank chains.

Bonney said 20 people slept in the park Monday after the city granted a permit for them to do so. They also have a permit to march at certain times, including a planned parade on Wednesday. The permits expire on Friday but could be extended.

Bonney says the group is part of a movement to "try to take out the influence of corporate money in our political process."

What Is Occupy: Norfolk?
Occupy Norfolk is a peaceful and non-violent movement that seeks to link itself to protesters on Wall Street and other major American cities. The movement has been inspired by uprisings in the Arab World, especially in Egypt, and seeks to inspire change that is independent of any political ideology or party. Simply put, 99% of America, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ability, or any qualifier, could benefit from a better deal.

A deal that includes reform of the financial sector, ending corporate greed, mismanagement, and corruption. A deal that includes an end to foreign occupations and American imperialism. A deal that puts jobs back in the hands of everyday people and secures their homes, not one that saves CEOs and bankers from their own problems. A deal that takes money out of the political system and ensures that Americans elect their own representatives, and that these representatives are held accountable and enact real, substantive, and lasting change.


Again, we are not liberal, not conservative, not Republican, not Democrat, we have no race, religion, sex, or any other qualifier. We are the 99% and we are American. That unites us in our desire for change.

If you want to participate, have questions, or are simply interested in following events, check us out on Twitter and Facebook. The group is listed as Occupy Norfolk on both sites. We will be occupying downtown Norfolk and marching to spread awareness of important issues.


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