Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meet-the-Candidates Forums - Accomack County

Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore will hold Meet-the-Candidates Forums the evenings of
Wednesday, November 2,
and Thursday, November 3,
at Nandua High School, at which the candidates for the Accomack County offices that will be contested in this years election will present their positions on issues and answer questions posed by the public.

The first session of tonight's Forum, which will begin at 7 PM, will present the candidates for County Treasurer Dana Bundick and Gregory Duncan.

The Forum for candidates for Sheriff Todd Godwin, Walter Marks and David Rogers will follow at 8 PM.

Thursday night forum, which will begin at 7 PM, will present the candidates for the seats for Districts 4, 7 and 9 on the Board of Supervisors. The District 4 candidates are Sandra Hart Mears and Kay Lewis.

The District 7 candidates are Laura Belle Gordy and Emory Hurst. The District 9 candidates are Reneta Major and Wesley Edwards.

Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore has been conducting Meet-the-Candidates Forums for local elections in both Eastern Shore counties for the past seven elections, and they have developed a standard program designed to give each candidate a fair opportunity to make his case for election and provide the voters with an opportunity to learn about the positions the candidates take on controversial issues and evaluate their qualifications.

The Forum will open with the moderators welcoming remarks. Each candidate will then to introduce himself or herself and states qualifications for the office he or she seeks. The candidates then give their responses to several questions that have been submitted to them in advance after which they are asked to answer questions posed by members of the audience. At the end of each session, the candidates have a few minutes to make their appeal for support in their closing remarks.

All of the candidates for contested offices in both Northampton and Accomack Counties accepted the invitation to take part in this years Meet-the-Candidates Forums, which Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore sponsors as a public service.

These Forums provide citizens with the best opportunity they will have to evaluate the men and women who are soliciting their votes, and CBES and the candidates urge Accomack residents to attend these events.

Source;  shoredailynews

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