Monday, November 28, 2011


Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.  The above drawing was done by my sweet great niece and was hanging on the doorway into the dining room on Thursday.  I think she did a very nice job.

I've been sort of missing in action the past few days but the holidays will do that sometimes.  No, not Christmas shopping - turkeying.  Dinner, as usual, was at my sisters on Thanksgiving day.  That always takes lots of hours........all of us love being together.

I had my Thanksgiving dinner today like I always do.  We like turkey sandwich's too. 

But I'm back now and hopefully within a few days I'll get back into the swing of things.

There's lots going on in Pocomoke these next few days and I just hope I can keep up  with the events.

Have a great day!


  1. Anonymous7:56:00 AM

    We've had turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, turkey barbeque, and turkey salad.
    I think today Italian will be on the menu-time for something different.

  2. Anonymous11:52:00 AM

    LOL! Here it was turkey sandwiches, turkey chili, turkey pizza. Definitely time for something else. Even Chinese looks tempting right now.


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