Monday, January 30, 2012

Mud Bog Team Participates In "Touch A Truck" in Parksley

What a great time the 187 East Performance mud trucks  drivers had on Saturday, November  5, 2011  in Parksley, Virginia.  The "Touch A Truck" event along with all Fall Festival events were canceled from the week before due to the rainfall we experienced that day  - all day long!  Only a few events were salvaged for this day.  It certaily was a shame because Parksley ALWAYS goes all out for this festival.

But the guys with the trucks were satisfied....they were able to please lots of children.

On  this Saturday the skies were clear but it sure was windy! ....Did I mention cool?   The gentlemen in the above photo had the right idea!  Wool uniforms!

"All Night Soldier"
Driver Patrick Long

"Sod Buster"
Driver Barry Long

All of us had quite a laugh the evening before when my "go to guy" Patrick made the comment that he hoped all of Parksley was awake by the time the mudtrucks rolled into town.  Each truck has an enormous powerful roar of a voice when it runs and I couldn't  help but laugh out loud  that day at the deafening sound these powerful  trucks made as they were unloaded and lined up in the street.

"Short and Sassy"
Driver Barry Wise

It's a "man thing" to enjoy the huge rumble sound  these trucks make.  I hope that no one was rolled out of bed that day as that rumble sound echoed through the steets.

For those that may not know "Touch A Truck" is an event that allows children the chance to see up close the many types of vehicles they see on a daily basis.  Most of the children who sat in the trucks on Saturday couldn't see over the window in any of the trucks!  They all had a great time.

I can't forget to mention that right in the middle of the "Touch A Truck" was a boat!  This gentleman was quite interesting  to talk to and drew a crowd just as large as the trucks on display.  This racing boat is one of many up and down DelMarVa.  They can be seen racing in Chestertown, Oxford and even Crisfield.  (Just to name a few) 


Railroad Station

Parksley Fire Company

Parksley, thanks for letting us participate!

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