Saturday, February 4, 2012

More Progress Being Made With New Restaurant

I had heard that the windows were being worked on in the restaurant. And what a surprise I had when I checked my email  and there were photos!

So, here we go....courtesy of my sister who recognizes how much keeping  with the progress of the new restaurant construction means to  me. 


I wonder what you can see from up there?

More pictures to follow these and right up until the new restaurant is completely built!

**Thank you to my sister Debbie... for taking time from your day to stop and take these photos for me.  And thanks for realising how much it means for me to have these photos as part of Pocomoke City history.**


  1. Anonymous8:05:00 PM

    Yep, sure is history in the making. Everyone knows it and everyone questioning it. Don't seem right for a project to start out as 'only with grant money' and due to a change which wasn't presented to the people, to use taxpayer money for!.

    Then, again, they ask of Save the Youth to show a strategic plan, but where are the ones for the restaurant or the police station? Heck, ain't shown that to anyone have they?

  2. Anonymous8:09:00 PM

    Nope sure didn't.

    Heck, they could've given their plans to their lead and good ole boy newspaper writer or to this web guy to publish. He showed his true colors by printing an article about the city's chosen candidates for town council in the DT and then it was pulled and not run in the local weekly. haha

    Come on good ole boys, show us your plans.

  3. Anonymous8:12:00 PM

    Voters demand to see plans.

    Come on town leaders publish them.

  4. Anonymous8:53:00 PM

    where are the citys plans to russ and town council restaurant?

  5. Councilman Clarke1:56:00 PM

    Plans for the restaurant building have been on display at city hall for many months. The business plan for the restaurant will be the up to the potential proprietors to present to the city council now that the deadline for proposals has passed. The process of choosing a proprietor will begin soon.

    To my knowledge no voter has asked, let alone demanded to see any "plan" for the restaurant. Almost everyone I have talked to thinks the restaurant will be a boost to downtown.

    Furthermore, if you think we do not need a new police station then you are delusional. The current station has been outmoded, outdated and inadequate for more than 30 years! A new station was essential and will serve the town for decades to come. It has already considerably improved morale among our officers and they won't even move in for another 2 to 3 months.

    As to the article about "chosen candidates" no one has any control over who signs up to run for city council, except for those individuals who actually decide to run. The plain and simple fact is that no one else signed up to run and Mr. Kerbin did articles on those persons who had signed up. If anyone else had announced their candidacy, I am sure Mr. Kerbin would have been more than happy to do any article on that person or persons.
    If it were not for the dedication of Mr. Kerbin in covering our meetings, there would be almost no news forthcoming through the local media. In case you have not noticed, the local MSM has curtailed their coverage of all local town council news to almost zero coverage. None of the local radio or TV stations send reporters to any local government meetings unless there is an extreme controversy. If Mr. Kerbin did not attend, there would be no coverage, except this blog and an occasional mention on WBEY.
    We have had some excellent national coverage of both the PCPD and restaurant in USA Today over the last 2 months. This is great for Pocomoke City. All the negativity in the anonymous comments above is not.
    If anonymous has some constructive criticism that will actually help the town move forward, I am sure the Mayor and Council would welcome any helpful suggestions. However, if all anonymous has is negativity and no solutions to offer, then I ask, please find something more constructive to do with your time!

    Councilman Clarke

  6. Anonymous11:39:00 PM

    Nope you're wrong Clarke. He interviews who he's told to interview. Check with some of last year's candidates. Everybody knew it.

    Move the town forward? That's suppose to be your job Councilman Clarke. So where is the plan for restaurant? Are you the only one brave enough to see to it the people get to see it?

  7. Anonymous11:40:00 PM

    Good question.

  8. Anonymous11:41:00 PM

    Everybody in town is talking about it. It's become a joke. Just like government.

  9. Anonymous11:42:00 PM

    As for proprietor everyone knows its either the Mayor's family or Trader. Heck, or someone he owes something to. Gonna be interesting.

  10. Anonymous11:47:00 PM

    Not the plans for the building but your well developed strategic plan.

    You know the city wouldn't dare build a building without one.

  11. Anonymous11:48:00 PM

    Hey this is suppose to be the electronic era so why not put it on the internet?

  12. Anonymous11:48:00 PM

    thats a better idea.

  13. Anonymous11:55:00 PM

    gosh thought elected people were suppose to listen to the people. Not judge or condemn them for having an opinion or making a suggestion. Remember what happened to the last elected officials who didn't listen to the people?

  14. Anonymous11:56:00 PM

    God forbid you question anything they are doing. what is it about those demi gods.

  15. Anonymous11:56:00 PM

    They forgot they weren't God.

  16. Anonymous12:00:00 AM

    personally I like the idea of putting it on the internet. and if you think everyone likes the idea of a restaurant downtown, its you whos the delusional one. wanna know what people are really saying?

    btw-all minutes are now some wierd program that most can't open. Can you get them to go back to microsoft word? there's a second suggestion.

  17. To all of those leaving anonymous comments: Perhaps city hall can better serve you if you leave your name.

    Comments under anonymous like these really get no respect.

    Why don't you stop by city hall, view the restaurant plans and submit them to me. I'll post them. I just haven't had the chance to view them yet myself. But I will.

  18. Anonymous3:36:00 PM

    As an out of town reader, I am happy to see that USA today has put this small town in a positive light. It seems to me that a downtown needs a restaurant. The city has been lauded for their "thinking outside the box" solution to a very real problem. I'm quite sure that such a project takes many years, much thought, and many positive thinking individuals to make it happen. Why then do we see such negativity in the blog from what seems to be one angry, ill-informed person? If city council meetings are open to the public, then why not attend tonight's meeting? Take your questions, listen to the answers, volunteer to help with a project. Be a good citizen! A good citizen will do something to make such a grand project a success! A good citizen will not work so hard at giving their town a black eye!

  19. Anonymous5:01:00 PM

    I would rather see the city as a landlord than offering subsities and grants to a developer (as in the case of Baltimore's Inner Harbor) for downtown retalization projects.

  20. Anonymous8:54:00 PM

    what was the main problem when these guys ran back in 2003? didn't think city should be in the landlord business?

  21. Anonymous8:54:00 PM

    somebody changed their tune.

  22. Anonymous8:55:00 PM

    does it have anything to do with the new trucks they got?

  23. Anonymous8:55:00 PM

    someone needs to check and see if car dealerships have to pay FULL city taxes.

  24. Anonymous9:39:00 PM

    They must have wised up then 8:54.
    Better to actually own the property and have something tangible.

  25. Anonymous9:54:00 PM

    There is no one currently on the council who ran in 2003. The Mayor has the longest tenure and he was first elected in 2005.

  26. What new trucks is the writer referring to? Seems to me that the last few trucks purchased by the city were second hand, not new!

    Of course, the writer, 08:55, did not really tell the readers what she/ he means by the cryptic comment.


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