Friday, April 20, 2012

At The Mar-Va Theater This Weekend- With Something Special AFTER The Show!

For LOTS of reasons DON'T MISS the movie this weekend at the Mar-Va Theater!

I received special word from "Forester Rob"  today and here is what he had to say:
"The Worcester County Forest Conservancy District Board has partnered with the Maryland Forest Service and the Marva Theater to distribute loblolly pine seedlings after the showing of Dr. Suess' the "Lorax", this weekend.
Seedlings will be available as patrons exit the Marva Theater following each screening of the movie to the first one hundred families.  They will be individually wrapped and also contain a coupon good for a discount on the purchase of nursery stock trees at selected local garden centers.  Details will be printed on the coupon.
It is also rumored that Smokey Bear may make an appearance to remind citizens to protect our forests, especially in these times of drought, high winds and extreme fire danger!"
So there you go!  Don't miss The Lorax this weekend.  Get a seedling to grow your own tree, a coupon to buy another to plant and watch  as it grows - the birds will love you for it.
AND- Maybe the chance to meet Smokey the Bear!

(And thinking back, I don't think I have ever met Smokey)

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