Monday, April 23, 2012

Beauchamp Construction Gets A High Five !!

If you remember....back in 2011 the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council tooks steps in purchasing the  former Delmarva Auto Collision building on Market Street for the purpose of moving the Pocomoke City Police Department.

I started on my journey with this rennovation by taking photos  in January and watched this building go from bare walls with hanging wires to the showcase it is today.  It's  taken 4 months, maybe longer, of steady hard work!  I've seen workers walking on stilts gracefully (but probably can't dance a lick), men hanging through the rafters pulling wires.  I've been locked in a cell.  I've questioned Darren of Beauchamp Construction and he has told me more than I can remember.  In these few months I've seen carpet laid, tiles put down and seen  those same tiles waxed a week later.  I've left my toe print in a corner of a room in the building.

But the photos I take and display and all the newsy things I write are nothing compared to the authority and decisions that Pocomoke City Hall  has and makes.

On Friday April 20th City Manager Russ Blake, Mayor Bruce Morrison and Pocomoke City Council took a tour and inspected the work  of the soon to be new home of the Pocomoke City Police Department. 

The rennovations of the building met their expectations and was approved! 

GREAT JOB  Beauchamp Construction!! 

 All work inside the building has been done by Beauchamp Construction crews with the exception of twice.  Those jobs were contracted out to other  very local businesses. 

So  CONGRATULATIONS Tom Beauchamp,  Darren (operations manager) and all of you that had a hand in turning this buiding  into a masterpiece and something not only the Pocomoke City Police Department will be proud of but the people of Pocomoke City as well.......for many years.

It's not moving in time just yet........There's wiring to run for the radio systems and phones, etc.  That takes time too....

Another chapter begins.

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