Sunday, May 27, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Buyer Beware!

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


March, 1885

(The Denton Journal)

Frauds on the Road.- The Cambridge Chronicle says: This is the season when the nomadic swindler starts from the cities upon his career of humbuggery. He is near of kin to the common tramp, setting out as soon as spring opens, but sometimes he appears in better garb and even rides in a carriage. This community has been afflicted recently with a number of this people, who style themselves agents for a big firm in New York, and offer to sell any amount of dry goods at prices that so nearly approach the giveaway point as to convince all who know the value of such goods that the agents are frauds of the first water.

They offer to sell, for instance, Warnsutta muslin for 4 cents per yard, and best prints at 3 cents. Everybody knows goods can be bought from honest dealers at no such figures, but the unwary need to be warned of the seductiveness of the bait. The muslin is worth more than double the price asked, at wholesale, while prints are likewise worth double the figure named. As said above, the offer is only a bait, and it is understood systematic frauds are being practiced. A victim is at once struck with the exceedingly low price of the muslin and calico, and then the swindler, having gained an audience, will get in his neat work in disposing of worthless articles. It is always safe to show the door to these kind of people.


May, 1932

(The Cumberland Evening Times)

Snow Hill- Unveiling of a monument to the men of Worcester County who died in the World War and dedication of the new draw bridge across the Pocomoke River will mark the Memorial Day ceremonies here next Monday. Delegations from patriotic and military organizations will march to the new bridge at the junction of Washington Street and the Snow Hill-Salisbury Highway where the dedication exercises will take place. A musical program will conclude the program.


October, 1921

(Worcester Democrat- Pocomoke City)

All the way from the Maryland-Virginia line in Worcester County to the Maryland-Pennsylvania line in the mountains of Western Maryland on concrete or macadam road is what the people of this good State can now boast of. This was made possible by the opening of the new steel and concrete bridge across the Pocomoke River at this place (Pocomoke City) yesterday. Governor Albert C. Ritchie made the address at the opening ceremonies.


August, 1988

An investigation was underway into the collapse of a section of the Pocomoke River Bridge leading into Pocomoke City. A 50-foot portion of the 67-year-old drawbridge collapsed at about 2A.M. on August 17th just after a vehicle had crossed over.

August, 1969

Some available properties being advertised by an Ocean City real estate firm included the following:

Oceanfront- Four 2-bedroom apartment buildings, facing directly on the ocean. Knotty pine wall, wall to wall carpet, completely furnished. Each with tile bath, modern kitchens. These apartments are completely rented for 1969. $65,000 complete.

Bayside- Modern 2-bedroom home. Suitable for year around living. Hot water, baseboard heat. All tiled bath. Spacious lawns. Residential neighborhood. Completely furnished. Lots of closet space. $21,000.

Oceanfront- Condominium apartment. 1-bedroom. Wall to wall carpet. Paneled walls. All electric heat and air conditioning. All electric kitchen. Full tile bath. Sun deck. Directly on the ocean. No ground rent to pay. $19,950.



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

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