Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes ~ June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012
The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, June 18, 2012. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Tracey Cottman,
Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Donald L. Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice
Review Minutes:
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed), to approve the minutes of June 5, 2012.
Review Bills:
In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).
Second Reading of Res. 461 to adopt the City budget for fiscal year 2012-2013:

In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year 2012-2013.
Second Reading of Res. 462 to adopt the tax rates for various categories of real and personal property for fiscal year 2012-2013:
Resolution No. 462
FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013.

In a motion (Clarke, Cottman passed) to adopt Res. No. 462.

Second Reading of Res. 463 to adopt the schedule of fees and charges for fiscal year 2012-2013:
Resolution No. 463

In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed) to adopt Res. No. 463 establishing the Fee Schedule for fiscal year 2012-2013.

Presentation by representatives of Opto Traffic regarding speed cameras:

      Joshua Hathway, Account Manager, Opto Traffic, stated that they work with NASA with their parent company (Sigma Space which is a leader in laser technology). Mr. Hathway stated that they would provide the equipment for speed cameras for Pocomoke City. The speed cameras will provide two things: slows traffic down in a school zone and adds revenues to the City. There will be no cost to the City and the contract is very flexible with a lease agreement for 90 days. The cameras are portable on a four foot trailer. The laser sensors will work in dense traffic areas, multi-lane, lane specific, self-power supply and wireless connectivity, invisible infrared flash, small footprint and quick and easy deployment. Pocomoke City will keep 60% of the revenue and Opto Traffic will keep 40%.
      Councilman Malloy asked who the ticket will be issued to.
      Mr. Hathway stated the registered owner of the vehicle.
      Councilman Clarke asked the radius of school zone.
      Mr. Hathway stated ½ mile.
      Councilwoman Cottman asked what issues other municipalities have had with this.
      Mr. Hathway stated small number of complaints about speed cameras and the revenue can be addictive.
      Mayor Morrison thanked Mr. Hathway for attending the meeting and explaining the speed cameras to the Council and public.
      Councilman Tasker added that there would not be any points on driver’s licenses.

Representatives of Save the Youth Program to discuss future plans:
      Rev. Jenkins thanked the Mayor and Council for putting them on the agenda again. He stated that they will try to comply with the letter the Council sent them. The program is about thirty-three (33) years old now and he would like to see it continued.
      Mr. James Jones referred to the letter that they received concerning issues to be discussed. He stated that the maximum age requirement being 17 is a good requirement. He stated that they would like to have other areas available to use because it would be easier access to the gym from the front of the building and they would like to have an office area. He stated that the breakers could be turned off in areas that they are not using and they would like to use the building on Saturdays. He stated that the Pocomoke City zip code restriction is not a good idea because the programs that Mr. Davis had were allowed to use different zip codes.
      Mayor Morrison stated that the Council would review the material that they were given and will make a decision soon regarding the use of the building.
      Rev. Jenkins said he would like to compliment the new Chief of police. The crime seems to be down and the officers didn’t mind walking the streets late at night. "I thank God for sending us him."

Review report from consultant Ron Hamblin concerning condition of building at 124 Willow Street. (Lawson’s Bar):
      Mayor Morrison read excerpts from Mr. Hamblin’s letter, stating the problems observed with the roof, exterior walls, foundation and environmental concerns. Mayor Morrison stated that the building is in bad shape and one exterior wall is buckling and looks like it will collapse.
       Mr. Mike Dunn (owner) stated that he had not received a copy of the inspection and did not know what they were talking about. He wished that somebody had called to see what their intentions were before making plans for an inspection to have the building demolished.
      Mayor Morrison asked what the plans were.
      Mr. Dunn stated that they plan on marketing the building as a historic building and sell it to someone that would be interested in restoring it.
      Mayor Morrison asked about the safety issues that needed to be taken care of; what did they plan on doing about them.
      Mr. Dunn stated that they would look to see what they could do. He stated that at least one-third of the building is dangerous and should be demolished.
      Councilman Malloy stated that they liked what they have done to other properties that they own in town. Most of them look good and he will be willing to work with them on this property.
      Mayor Morrison asked the Duns to come back with a written plan within 30 days as to what they plan to do about the safety issues of the building at 124 Willow Street. If a satisfactory plan is not presented to correct the safety and other problems of the building, the City would have no choice but to have it demolished in six (6) months. Mayor Morrison stated that the City appreciates what they have done in Pocomoke City to other properties.

Second Reading of Ord. 409 to regulate the types of furniture that may be placed on open porches and other outside areas:
      City Attorney Hudson stated that there was a change in paragraph four which now requires that the property be posted and a letter sent to the owner of record.
      In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to pass Ordinance 409, as amended, to regulate the types of furniture that may be placed on open porches and other outside areas.

Review letter from Delmarva Discovery Center requesting loan funds:
      Mayor Morrison stated that this would be the last draw on the previously approved loan request for the Delmarva Discovery Center in the amount of $10,833.
      In a motion (Cottman, Malloy passed) to approve the request from Delmarva Discovery Center in the amount of $10,833.

Authorize bids for purchase of radio read water meters. (MDE Grant project):
      City Manager Blake stated that this is a grant funded project with a small loan. The MDE grant is in the amount of $123,813 with $17,688 loan. Engineers have completed their work and MDE agreed that the City would install the new meters. The City is ready to advertise for bids.
      Mayor Morrison asked how many meters would be replaced with this grant.
      City Manager Blake stated around 300 to 400 meters would be replaced; he suggested starting installing the meters in the older sections of town.
      In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed) to authorize City Manager Blake to purchase the radio read water meters.

Review bids for demolition of fire damaged house at 523 Young Street (Allen Blount, owner):
      Mayor Morrison stated that the City received two bids for demolishing 523 Young Street; one from Butch’s Tree and Lawn Care Service in the amount of $5,200 and the other from Beauchamp’s Construction in the amount of $6,300.
In a motion (Downing, Cottman passed) to accept the low bid of $5,200 from Butch’s Tree and Lawn Care.

Discuss vacancies on list of Boards and Commissions:
      Councilwoman Cottman stated that she would call City Clerk Justice with a name and which board the person is willing to serve on.

Review proposed mailer and application for ambulance department memberships:
      City Manager Blake stated that there were no changes to this year’s rate schedule, so he proposed to send out a flyer similar to last year’s flyer.
      Councilman Clarke suggested adding a place to include email addresses so that we can email for renewal instead of mailing the applications.

Comments from the audience:
      Mr. John Hutchinson, Maple Street, stated that he was not in favor of "Save the Youth" to be in the old police building. He stated that when functions were held soda cans and paper would be left on the streets. He felt like there was no supervision at that location. He also stated that there was old furniture at the back of the building that needed something to be removed.
      Mr. Walter Eskiewikz, Second Street, stated that he had a concern regarding "Save the Youth Program" being in the vacant building. He stated that there would be an increase of large groups of young people in the area, and peer pressure is greater when there are five or six kids in a group. He stated that after a function that they have had in the past there would be soda cans and paper left on the street. He continued to say that he doesn’t think that the old police building is the proper location for this group. Sometimes there could be a person waiting outside of the building for somebody that is in the building to come out to start a fight.

      Leona Hill asked to use the land on Willow and Clarke Ave for a science park in memory of her children. She stated that she has been working with someone from Salisbury State University in designing something that would go along with the Discovery Center. She doesn’t have land to place the park where it would be beneficial to children to visit. She also stated that she and her husband have set-up a foundation to take care of the park for many years to come and they also have a scholarship for students going into Science related fields.
      Councilwoman Cottman asked what she would need from the City.
      Ms. Hill stated that she would like to have the use of the lot at Willow Street and Clarke Ave. for the exhibit.
      Councilman Malloy stated that the City had agreed to use part of that lot as parking for the new restaurant.
      Mayor Morrison stated that the equipment would not cost the City any money.
      Councilwoman Cottman asked how close she is to having something ready to install.
      Ms. Hill stated that she could not ask for grants until she had land to put the equipment on.
      Councilwoman Cottman stated that she could complete grant applications with the intent of land use. Councilwoman Cottman offered to work with Ms. Hill to complete grant applications.
      Councilman Clarke asked to have the taxes abate for Salem Church since this year they did not have the parsonage house rented at 200 Walnut Street.
      In a motion (Tasker, Cottman passed) to abated taxes for Salem Church parsonage located at 200 Walnut Street. (Councilman Clarke abstained).
      Councilman Clarke stated that he would like to commend Bill East and the Public Works Department for a job well done before and after the Cypress Festival.
      City Manager Blake gave an update on the stormwater diversion project near Butler’s Village.

The next meeting will be July 2, 2012.

In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 P.M.

Approved: ______________________2012

Carol L. Justice
City Clerk


  1. Anonymous12:58:00 PM

    Is the owner of Lawson's Bar THE Mike Dunn from Salisbury?

  2. No. Different family.

  3. Anonymous4:05:00 PM

    of course Clarke requested his own church's taxes be 'abated'!

    What about the rest of the churches?

  4. Anonymous4:06:00 PM

    While eveyones celebrating the 4th guess where our mayor was?

    Sitting at the bar at the City owned restaurant by the Discovery Center in the morning too.

  5. Anonymous4:09:00 PM

    Seems funny that both people expressed concerns about soda cans and paper outside the building requested by Save the Youth.

    This program helped this town for over the last 30 years and this is what they have to face?

    Where is the plan for the bar/restaurant owned by the town.

  6. Anonymous4:10:00 PM

    Wierd too the minutes are posted here before city issues it.

  7. Anonymous4:11:00 PM

    1:33 pm is it a different family. Seems like the Mayor thanked them for what they've done to other properties.

  8. Anonymous4:43:00 PM

    Tax abatement request was for the parsonage, not the church. Churches do not pay taxes.

  9. 4:11,please pay attention. The man's name is Mike Dunn, but it is not the same Mike Dunn as in Salisbury. And yes, the Mayor did thank the Mike Dunn (not the Salisbury one) who was at our meeting, because he has fixed up many buildings in P. City.
    Thus my comment, "not the same family" which I thought was pretty straight forward.

  10. Anonymous6:10:00 PM

    "What about the other churches?" It appears as though this particular church is showing a legitmate hardship, so of course it was the right decision. Worrying about who asks and who attends what church is beyond pettiness.

  11. Anonymous6:13:00 PM

    Who cares where the Mayor was and when? You sound like a stalker, 4:06. A stalker who then takes great pleasure broadcasting inane BS!
    Tell us something important and news worthy like world hunger's been eradicated or they have found a cure for cancer.

  12. Anonymous6:20:00 PM

    Those people who spoke about the trash left after STY in their minds (and alot of other peoples) have a legitmate complaint.
    Instead of addressing that problem with a sincere concern and how they should pick up their trash you give some snod remark.
    If that's the attitude of STY-they do not deserve a building. If they can not respect other people's property they sure as heck will not respect a building entrusted to them!
    And since you bring up but give no examples of what STY has done in it's 30 yrs maybe you should tell?
    The only thing I know they have done is get the YMCA a new door-LOL!

  13. Anonymous6:33:00 PM

    6:20 said, "...you give some snod remark."

    What's snod? Like scrod? You know, like, "The last time I was in Boston I got scrod."

    Your friend,

  14. Anonymous4:15:00 PM

    6:10 what church isnt having a hardship? Why not rent the property out or sell it instead of a handout from the city. They weren't asked to show a plan in exchange for the money were they?


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