Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Virginia State Board of Elections Issues Statement Regarding Voter Registration

The Virginia State Board of Elections released the following statement today because of false rumors being spread via emails and on the Internet:

The State Board of Elections (SBE) is aware of incorrect information circulating via mass emails stating that voters who have not voted since the 2008 General Election must re-register to vote 25 days prior to Election Day November 6, 2012 in order to be eligible to vote. This information is false.

There is absolutely no requirement to re-register in Virginia.  Voters are not removed from the rolls solely for the reason of not voting; however, it is recommended that voters check their registration status to ensure it is current.  If a voter has not voted since 2008, and also moved since that time, it is possible that a voter’s record may have been moved to inactive status.  This shift would occur if mail delivered to the voter was returned undeliverable, and the voter also failed to respond to a later address confirmation mailing.  Voters identified as inactive will be permitted to vote after signing a statement at the polling place.

The registration deadline is also inaccurate in this rumor. Voters have until 21 days prior to the election, or until October 15, to register or update their registration information. It is imperative that voters check their registration status well in advance of the October 15, 2012 registration deadline in order for any necessary changes to be completed prior to Election Day.

Voters are encouraged to check their registration status using the SBE website:  http://www.sbe.virginia.gov/.

Voters who need to update their registration information can do so by completing a Virginia Voter Registration Application available at the SBE website. Additional information about updating registration status is available at SBE’s website.

Voters may also contact SBE directly to check voter registration status.  For more information, please contact SBE at 804.864.8901 or 1.800.552.9745.


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