Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meet K-9 Edo ~ With his handler Deputy 1st Class Dale Trotter

K-9 Edo and his handler 
 Deputy First Class Dale Trotter
The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office retires K-9 Toby. K-9 Toby, an English Springer Spinal, was a trained bomb dog for the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for  10 Years. K-9 Toby was the Worcester County Sheriff’s office first bomb detection K-9. He would perform searches of the Court house in Snow Hill on regular basis. During high profile events, such as elections and the car shows held at the Ocean City convention center, Toby would scan the buildings looking for explosives making sure the building was safe for the event. K-9 Toby was a big part of his handler Deputy Dave Lewis’s family.

Deputy Lewis saw that Toby was slowing down in his ability to perform his duties as a bomb detection K-9. Toby was retired and lived with Deputy Lewis’s family.

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office purchased and trained another bomb dog named Edo, a  German Sheppard. Deputy First Class Dale Trotter was selected to be his handler.

 Both K-9 Edo and Deputy Trotter traveled to North Carolina to receive the required training in explosive detection. K-9 Edo is also crossed trained in patrol functions such as tracking and crowd control. Both K-9 Edo and Deputy Trotter are patrolling the streets of Worcester County.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:04:00 PM

    Best wishes to DFC Trotter and his new partner. Also to Toby on his retirement. May his days be spent enjoying the days and retrieving toys, gobbling treats and lots of pats on the head.


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