Saturday, September 8, 2012

Accomack County's Most Popular Sport? Drag Racing??

Sunday after Sunday this occurs on one of the two most popular traveled roads in this part of  Accomack County.  Sadly, this afternoon event has been allowed to continue  over the past few years... And it isn't always motorcycles....sometimes there are cars.
Staging for the event on this Sunday took place on Saxis Road at around 3:00 in the afternoon.

Maybe what so many people fail to realize is the fact this type of gathering can cause great danger to anyone in the area at the time. 
Many of us that use this road pay taxes and that alone should assure us access to roads without delay- with the exception of emergencies and farming.  That's where it should STOP!

NO ONE should have to WAIT for this on a public road !!!

I'm not concerned about WHO these people are.....I'm concerned about those that drive this road in an attempt to GET somewhere. 
Families are still leaving churches at this time of day, some have errands to run.  And let's not forget that within a few miles from this point is a very popular camp ground that has hundred of visitors in the area trying to enjoy their vacations and trying to get to the highway to perhaps shop or visit many of the tourists attactions in the area.
  Traffic gets BLOCKED in both directions.

So be sure to use caution as you drive Horsey Road, Saxis Road - any  stretch of it.......

Calls to the Accomack County Sheriff's Office only gets  the racing canceled for the day...


  1. Anonymous5:32:00 PM

    Oh...My...God! This isn't just a pick up, informal race...this is a highly organized event! It's obvious who the people are and what they are doing. Why can't the sheriff's office do anything?

    Your friend,

  2. I'm sure the Sheriff's office can do something about it. This has been happening for ALOT of years! Problem is if you call the Sheriff's Office dispatch calls over the radio.....crowd leaves...

    My guess is someone is listening with a hand held scanner..DUH! At some point something horrible is going to happen. I just don't want it to happen to the many people that I know and love-or don't know. The photos are to show clearly that traffic IS blocked while work is being done on these bikes....then traffic can pass- then they race.

  3. Anonymous6:08:00 PM

    The sherriff's office is busy looking for the grafitti artist talking trash about poor ole J. Floyd.

  4. Maybe so anon 6:08. But it's all in the same general area.

  5. Anonymous7:56:00 PM

    I'm sure all the deputies carry cell phones. How hard would it be to dispatch using a phone? But it's probably illegal since there would be no recording for the official record.

    Your friend,

  6. I'm sure most do carry cell phones. Our tax dollars are probably paying for those too..They need cell phones for lots of reasons. But you know just as well as I do that they CAN be used for this sort of thing....they're used to check on other "crimes" I sure.

    It's hard to get a cell phone signal in most areas back here though.

  7. Anonymous8:36:00 PM

    why not use these photos as evidence and identify those involved and go see the Magistrate? just saying...

  8. I'm way ahead of ya on that!

  9. I have left my share of rubber on that very road, only I used to do it a little south (closer to Sanford) of where these pictures were taken, I think.

    Man, this brings back memories. I never drove one of those wussyfied crotch rockets as pictured though.

    My car would whoop those bikes so bad that at the end of the 1/4 mile their headlight would look like a candle burning behind me, way behind me. (very dim)

    When I side-stepped the clutch I left two, wide patches of rubber on that road, not like these POS that leave just one puny little single narrow black mark like these dummies, if they're lucky that is. And a short one at that.

    And yes a po-po scanner was a very useful tool

  10. Hot Rod- It isn't always bikes drag racing. Some weekends there are cars. And if you've raced on these roads you know what kind of cars I'm referring to! A few months back one car was to have a chute open.... It's still a very popular thing.

  11. they had a car there with a "chute"? musta been put on the car for show


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