Saturday, September 22, 2012

Governors whom Martin O'Malley Attacked this Year, Grew more Jobs than Martin O'Malley did this Year

Annapolis - Governor Martin O'Malley, a partisan campaign surrogate for Barack Obama who is laying the groundwork for his own Presidential aspirations in 2016, has attacked eight other governors this year - in their home states, on Sunday talk shows and during the Democratic National Convention.   All eight of these governors have created more jobs this year than Governor O'Malley has. This does not stop the Maryland governor from boasting about economic performance, however. 

In recent remarks in Iowa, O'Malley said, “We are the party that grows our economy; they are the party that wrecked our economy.” This false statement is borne out today in the latest August employment numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that show Maryland's loss of nearly 7000 jobs this year is worse than Florida, Ohio, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, New Jersey and Maine.   In some cases it is much worse.  For example, under Gov. John Kasich, Ohio has created 68,300 jobs this year; Florida Gov. Rick Scott, 50,500 jobs; and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, 26,200 jobs. So far this year under Gov. Rick Perry, the Lone Star state has created 140,000 more jobs than Maryland, which some have dubbed the "Fee State" as opposed to the official "Free State." 

"Martin O'Malley has no credibility whatsoever talking about jobs," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "What he can talk about, but chooses not to, are the 24 taxes and fees he has raised since taking office which remove $2.4 billion annually from the pockets of struggling Marylanders."

In addition to attacking other Governors, it is widely known that Maryland fails to compete on job growth with neighboring states since O'Malley took office.

"We are lagging in job growth in the region and are simply not competing with our neighbors," said Hogan.  "This year's performance on job growth only continues the abysmal results we've seen going back to 2007."

On a percentage basis of jobs lost, Maryland's decline of 1.4% since January of 2007 is the second-worst in the region after Delaware.

Change Maryland, a non-partisan, grassroots organization with 22,000 followers, advocates for fiscal responsibility and restoring economic performance.  

Background:  Martin O'Malley on the Economy 9.16.12

“We are the party that grows our economy; they are the party that wrecked our economy.”

Background:  Martin O'Malley's 2012 partisan attacks on other governors:

O'Malley criticism of Florida Gov. Rick Scott 9.13.12

"You see that in other states. You see that especially in governorships like Rick Scott's Florida. When the president wins Florida, and I believe he will win Florida, part of that will be attributable to the really poor leadership we've seen in Florida." -

O'Malley criticism of Ohio Gov. John Kasich 9.03.12

"(O'Malley) used his speech to the Ohio delegation Monday to link Romney and Kasich, blast them and praise former Gov. Ted Strickland, who may be running for the job again in two years. If there’s one place to find buyer’s remorse, it’s Ohio,” O’Malley said.

O'Malley criticism of  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal 7.08.12

"I've never known a Swiss bank account to build an American bridge, a Swiss bank account to create American jobs or Swiss bank accounts to build the levies to protect the people of New Orleans," O'Malley said on ABC News's "This Week."

O'Malley criticism of  Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker 7.01.12

"During the segment, O'Malley also bristled at Walker's characterization of the law's inclusion of a massive tax increase. That's the biggest falsehood being perpetuated by these unflinching ideologues," O'Malley replied.

O'Malley criticism of Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell 6.29.12

"Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) took a heck of a shot at Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) Friday on a conference call organized by the Obama campaign following the Supreme Court's health care ruling. The only health care mandate they can embrace are transvaginal probes for women," he said of Republicans.

O'Malley criticism of  Texas Governor Rick Perry 6.09.12

"Who can predict what some of the ideologues on their side will choose?"

O'Malley criticism of  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie 2.07.12

"O'Malley, who is chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, has criticized Christie repeatedly in recent months."

Maine Governor Paul LePage 6.03.12

"Some of these tea party, new-age Republican governors like LePage worship the false idol of tax cuts," O'Malley told reporters.

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