Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Race Day ~ Crisfield Mud Bog ~ September 1, 2012

If you are familiar with Labor Day tradition in Crisfield then you know nothing gets started until after the famous and fun Crab Derby Parade- not even mud bogging.  The races started just a few minutes late but not enough for anyone to notice unless you were paying attention to the clock.

It is estimated that  Crisfield  mud bog drew at least 1,000 spectators.  And at one point the cars were lined along the shoulder of the road waiting to pay admission into the mud bog.That's not bad at all considering the holiday and all the events happening in town.  These fans are very dedicated mud bog fans!  Much appreciation needs to be given to them for attending race after race and especially for coping with the HOT temperatures on this day.  In fact, I believe, it was hotter than HOT.

The most welcomed person of the day had to be the young man walking around the grounds selling lemonade.  Hope you bought some of it because it was delicious and just hit the spot on such a hot and humid racing afternoon!  The poor guy walked all day offering his wares and when I met up with him later in the day he looked pooped!  I certainly hope someone gave him a nice dinner and he got some much needed rest. 

As of this post the race results and points have not been posted on the official Crisfield/Gumboro website.  So until I have that information here are a couple of videos and some photos from the mud bug along with what  information I have.  If you have any info you would like to share email me.  My email address is listed on this blog.

"Short and Sassy"
Owner/Driver Barry Wise

"Old School II"
Randy Willey
Hurlock, Maryland

"Mud Dobber"
Driver- Wright Townsend

"Sod Buster"/Driver Barry Long
"All Night Soldier"/Driver Patrick Long
"Wildfire"/Driver Donald Bowden

I'll be back with more photos and video and the name of the winner in the "Gambler's Race".

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