Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thou Shalt NOT Steal! Especially From Where I Sit

To the young man who ventured into our yard Friday night.

What ever possessed you to think it would be alright with us if you took a few items? Maybe by it being the time of morning it was you just figured the community was asleep and you could just help yourself?

Now where would you have gotten the idea it was okay to take things that do not belong to you? And let me commend you on your gift for being able to see in half darkness and for being agile enough to walk at the side of my yard against the field. I'm surprised you didn't twist your ankle leaving it sprained or broken. Wonder who would have paid for that?

 And tell me....did the half lighted yard help you in your selection of items to steal?  How many times have you been here and how long have you been watching my property?

When did you realize you had been seen? Was it when my husband, trying to protect what belongs to HIM yelled at you? Or was it when he left to follow the pick up your accomplice was driving, leaving you alone in MY yard? Do you realize that your sticky fingers could have very well have caused great harm to my husband and some of the Accomack County Deputies PLUS an officer from a local police department, that assisted in following and finally stopping the truck?

For goodness sakes! With your agility and night vision you need a decent night job. Anyone awake at 1:00 A M working as hard as you did should be able to work really hard at a LEGAL NIGHT job that pays well..........something instead of stealing from others. But then, I'm sure stealing is hard work.

I have no idea where you and your friend (driving the truck Friday night) came from in life. Nor do I care. You see, I have raised my children and you best believe that at any age, if they had stolen one small thing, I would have crushed their fingers! You are very lucky to be alive today.....just darn lucky you didn't get shot!

Be advised that I intend on contacting everyone of my neighbors. The ones I didn't contact today will be getting notices from me in the mail this week. I may as well do something late at night. While you were here early Saturday morning stealing my items you also took my ability to sleep very well.
Thank you to the Accomack County Sheriff's Department and Parksley police officer for your assistance.


  1. Anonymous6:36:00 AM

    Wonder if this is the same piece of you know what that has hit multiple Pocomoke neighborhoods over the last several weeks

  2. I highly doubt it.


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