Monday, October 8, 2012

Pocoween ~ Donations and Volunteers Needed

The Delmarva Discovery Center is in need of items for their Halloween event (Pocoween).
If you can help them out with any of these items please contact:
Sarah Rubin or Joanne Moore at 410-957-9933. Or email


Items needed are:
* 6 two liter (soda type) bottles

* boxes or bags of white rice (We need ALOT - like to fill a cooler)
*lots and lots of goldfish crackers
*16 oz plastic cups (ex. red solo cups)
*bags of large size thin pretzels
*Assorted decorations
*white, yellow, orange spray paint
* 6 boxes of tissues
* boxes of candycanes (around 100 candycanes are needed)
* self adhesive rhinestones/jewels
* tulle fabric

We also need volunteers (around 20!)

If you are 18 or older and would love to help  with this fun spooky halloween event, please call.  

Lots of spots available for different activities.

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