Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Accomack Man Missing For Three Weeks

Missing: Archie Thompson
DelmarvaNow Photo
Written by
Carol Vaughn
Staff Writer
TASLEY — Archie Thompson of Tasley has been missing for over three weeks now and his only sister is growing increasingly worried in her search for answers.

Renee Singleton of Wattsville said the last time she spoke with her big brother on the telephone was in mid-October and his cellphone goes to voicemail when called since.

Thompson’s coworkers at McDonald’s in Onley also are concerned, she said. “They said he never misses work ... He never misses no money and he hasn’t picked his check up.”

Singleton filed a missing person’s report with the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office Nov. 3 and has called daily since, hoping for news as to her brother’s whereabouts.

She described Thompson as 56 years old, 5’ 1” and weighing 130 pounds and said he almost always is seen wearing a hat.

Singleton said her brother keeps to himself but is known for walking everywhere.

“He walks all the time; he’s done it all his life,” she said.

Singleton has even called Hampton Roads medical facilities, following up on rumors her brother had been seen, only to be told they have no record of him being there.

A relative of her former husband was sure he saw Thompson in the emergency room at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital on Nov. 1 and said he even spoke to him, but that lead also turned up empty, Singleton said.

Law enforcement officials told her Thompson’s apartment does not appear to have been disturbed.

Anyone with information should call the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office at 757-787-1131.

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