Monday, December 10, 2012

Santa Claus Downtown Pocomoke on Saturdays

If you missed seeing Santa Clause this Saturday like I did he will be back on Saturday, Dec.15th from
 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM

The Pocomoke Junior Women's Club will take your picture with Santa Claus for $5.00 that day

But you can tell him what's on your Christmas list for FREE!

Santa is located at the corner of Market and Second Streets.  Be sure to browse through the stores and do some Christmas shopping while downtown and take a glance at the store windows painted with the Christmas themes.


  1. Anonymous6:52:00 PM

    Many years ago the Junior Women's Club had a similar house at the mini-park at Clarke and Market. I took my turn sitting in it, wearing itchy whiskers, an oversize red suit with a pillow that never wanted to stay in place.

    It was well worth it, though, because I could always count on the children to spill the beans on the latest gossip about their siblings and even their parents. You would not believe some of the juicy tidbits I heard!

    Your friend,

  2. Out of the mouths of babes...sneaky Santa!

    Wonder how many kids told you what you wanted to hear and you failed to deliver what they wanted....

    Please don't spill the beans here!! I'm sure there's still room for a Santa somewhere. The suits are a tad bit more comfortable these days.


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