Thursday, February 14, 2013

Change Maryland on Offshore Wind Proposal Being Considered in General Assembly

note: Marylanders are already paying more for electricity than the U.S. average.   At nearly 11 cents a kilowatt hour, Marylanders are paying more for their electricity than residents and businesses in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 

Annapolis - Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan released the following statement today as Gov. Martin O'Malley attempted to revise his offshore wind energy proposal in a key legislative committee today.

"It seems Martin O'Malley's priority is to make electricity and gas more expensive. He is pushing an increase in the gas tax and pushing a wind energy policy that is not cost effective and guarantees that electricity will be more expensive for rate payers.

"At the close of the last session, the governor ignored the budgeting process which resulted in a train wreck.  Instead he was out on the steps of the capital, leading wind energy activists in chant that said 'all we re saying is give wind a chance.'

"There are no assurances that this offshore wind proposal will not devolve into crony-capitalism that reward friends of the governor and political donors.

"While there may be political support for offshore wind among narrow special interest groups, 96% of Marylanders are opposed to higher taxes.  And make no mistake, the Governor's offshore wind proposal is simply a tax by another name.  

"This governor has raised taxes and fees 24 times, taking $2.4 billion out of the economy.  Maybe instead of giving wind a chance, it's time to give hard-working families a chance."

Energy Information Administration:

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