Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Educator Fairness Act" Passes in the Senate

Governor McDonnell's "Educator Fairness Act" Passes
 in the Senate on a 40-0 Vote
RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell issued the following statement regarding the passage of his proposed "Educator Fairness Act" in the Senate today on a unanimous 40-0 vote. The bill had previously been passed in the House of Delegates last week. The Educator Fairness Act was part of the governor's All Students K-12 legislative agenda. The Educator Fairness Act extends the probationary window for teachers from 3 to up to 5 years, to allow for a more thoughtful examination of teachers being awarded continuing contract status, and to allow for an extended period of mentoring for new teachers. It also provides for a definition of incompetence to include one or more unsatisfactory performance evaluations and defines the relationship between the evaluation and the contract. This act will streamline the grievance procedure and will allow for an expedited decision to inform the teacher of the final outcome.

"I am pleased that members of both parties came together in the House and Senate to support these key reforms to Virginia's teacher contract and grievance system. We have incredible teachers in Virginia and these reforms will help ensure that our children always have the most effective educators possible in the classroom. Great teachers are the key to bright futures for our children. These reforms came together with the input and support of the VEA, the Virginia Association of Elementary School Principals, the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals, the Virginia Association of School Boards, the Virginia Association of Counties, the Virginia Chamber of Commerce and others. I thank these groups for working with me and with House patron Delegate Dickie Bell and Senate Patron Tommy Norment throughout the legislative process. The Educator Fairness Act, along with other key education reforms and investments we are making this year, will enable Virginia schools to better recruit, retain and reward excellent teachers, and ensure that our children get the world's best education."

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