Saturday, March 16, 2013

ACCOMACK: Prayer vigil set for Tuesday night

ACCOMACK: Prayer vigil set for Tuesday night seeks 'God's intervention' in arsons

ONLEY — A number of local pastors have invited residents of the Eastern Shore to a prayer session Tuesday to ask for "God's intervention" in the work of an arsonist who has torched 68 structures through Thursday night.

"Let's pray about all this arson business," said the Rev. Steve Jones. "We're trying to get the word out."

The prayer meeting will be held in the Nandua High School auditorium on Tuesday from 7-8 p.m.

It is non-denominational, Jones said, and the meeting itself — and the group organizing it — don't have official titles.

"It's just us," said Jones. "There really is no official entity calling this."

Jones is pastor of Shore Presbyterian Church.


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