Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Change Maryland on Legislature's Passage of Offshore Wind

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan on
 Legislature's Passage of Offshore Wind

Annapolis - "With a proposed motor fuel tax increase this year and several years of raising taxes on everything else,  now is not the time to experiment on unproven energy sources with other people's money.   Once again, the priorities of our top elected officials are not aligned with regular, working people who overwhelmingly reject any further tax increases.

"This offshore wind scheme requires a tax to make it possible.  The private sector does not get to tax people to experiment with projects and with very few exceptions neither should government.  This will be a huge waste - assuming anything gets built at all. Governor O’Malley has been focused on increasing the cost of electricity and gasoline for struggling Maryland families and small businesses. He has now  accomplished half his goal, and is working hard to increase the cost of  gas in Maryland  to the highest in the region."

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