Tuesday, April 9, 2013

MD Has Highly Productive Legislative Session? Depends On Who You Ask

The Maryland General Assembly has adjourned ending what they call a "highly productive" legislative session.  HUH???

Let's see.... most pressing  issues that passed... gun control, capital punishment and medical marijuana, just to name a few.

Good for you!!

And you thanked your wives, patted each other on the back and someone even came up with the bright idea  of playing  "Who Let the Dogs Out"?  Didn't you know that there were thousands of others watching?  Waiting?

But you didn't address all of the IMPORTANT issues. 

You allowed yourselves to be so disrespectful and RUDE to those  Marylanders waiting patiently and quietly for your discussion concerning the ruling last year defining pit bulls as "inherently dangerous".

You let those Marylanders down!

So now Maryland families with pets and pit bulls in general are  left in a legal limbo.

Pit bull owners and dog owners in general are upset about this.  They have every right to be since the majority of them are tax payers also and they have fought a clean and vigorous battle trying to prove that pit bulls are NOT "inherently dangerous".  They have proven that they deserve YOUR respect also!

But maybe it's a little difficult with those insurance companies banging in your ear....or maybe you were too busy singing along to "Who Let the Dogs Out?".  Or perhaps you were the one with your lips pressed together making the bomb sound.

What a disappointment to so many...more than you can imagine.

For a short article and video that boasts of the wondrous things the Maryland legislature has done for the residents of Maryland - HERE


  1. Anonymous1:20:00 PM

    What did you expect? Can you name anything productive that has come out of Annapolis lately? Or Washington?

  2. Anonymous2:24:00 PM

    Short of Del McDermott and a handful of others the rest are nothing but a bunch of self important, nitwits who are forever tooting their own horns and exagerating their accomplishments.
    I hate when it's an election year. You either have to become a prisoner in your own home or risk going out and being accosted by one of the blowhards going on in great length about how wonderful they are.

  3. Anonymous7:56:00 PM

    Thank you for your article. This truly reflects the feelings of pit bull owners and dog owners. The lack of respect by the legislators was stunning. Thank you for reporting their behavior.

  4. I agree Anon 2:24. I don't know what you have to be in Maryland to get respect!

    I do not own a dog but I love them very much. I am VERY aware of what a dog will and might not do! I am also aware that my chances of another human being harming me is far greater than me getting harmed by a dog.

    I know quite well how thousands of those dog owners, etc. felt last evening when the General Assembly TURNED their backs on them.

    To my knowledge not ONE has made a statement about the issue- but I'm still looking.

    There are many hours spent in finding the best foster home or forever home for these dogs. These individuals that have spoken out in favor of the pit bulls are serious and devoted. SO are the owners! They understand not just the pit bull but ALL DOGS! Instead of focusing on the negativity of what a pit bull could do maybe they should follow a foster parent.

    There are play groups, vet visits, tremendous disciplining, school and all types of special training that these people are always so anxious to get their pit bull into. ALL these people work well together for the sake of the pit bull and for the sake of each other. There aren't too many groups as bonded as I have seen in these people.

    Should I tell you what wonderful things happen when these dogs have a "meet and greet"? Should I tell you how the wonderful people that adopt them are SO aware of how disrespected the pit bull can be but they love them anyway. NOT because they are a pit bull but because they KNOW it is the dog for them. And chances are that the reason THEY KNOW is because they already own on and lovingly select another.

    Should I tell you how KNOWLEDGEABLE the pit bull owner is? Or the foster parent even?

    I HEARD and SAW the disappointment last night that came from GROWN people in office that the pit bull families and friends thought they could trust!

    OH! But wait a minute! I forgot ONE important issue! Dogs bite and they hurt children. YES THEY DO! And PEOPLE HURT CHILDREN TOO! It is up to the PARENTS of these children to educate themselves on dog behavior. All dogs get a bad rap for something in their time here on Earth.

    What a shame that these dogs could be doomed simply because of shear ignorance or the lack of willingness to learn about any dog. Stop making the dog owners responsible for everything and put some responsibility on the parents for not being better educated.

    And before you bombard this blog discussing my lack of compassion for children that have been bitten by dogs that this is NOT the case. So don't go there!

    The friends of pit bulls were waiting for a decision last evening and they didn't get it. They have lobbied long and hard. Many tears have been shed. But those kind, loving people stood by EACH OTHER just as they always do only to get forgotten and insulted. - And from the same politicians they put into office!

  5. Anonymous2:05:00 PM

    Attach some kind of new tax or fee to this bill and see how quick the democrats in power in Annapolis jump on it. They'll be falling all over each other to sponser and get it passed.
    If it's not something that's going to nickel and dime the people to death or infringe on their rights they don't want any parts of it.


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