Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tasley VFD Issues Statement on Smith Status With the Dept.

The Tasley Volunteer Fire Department has issued a statement regarding the status of Charles R. Smith aka Charles R. Applegate.

It says:

  Charles R. Smith, also known as Charles R. Applegate, is a former active member of the Tasley Volunteer Fire Co. and has not participated in any company related activities over the course of the last nearly three years. 

Due to his total lack of interest and participation Charles was removed from the roster for 2012 and considered to be inactive.  

This inactivity includes emergency response operations, company related functions, company community interaction and company communications. Given Mr. Smiths current inactive status and lack of involvement for nearly three years with the company, he was scheduled, along with any other inactive member to be removed from membership in the Spring of 2013 in accordance with company bylaws.

Smith is currently incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail accused of arson in a fire near Melfa on Monday April 1, 2013 along with his companion Tonya Bundick. Smith has confessed to setting many of the 76 arson fires that began in November 2012. 

Other charges are pending.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26:00 PM

    The problem with Charlie, which is now as plain to see as the sky, is that some feel compelled to coddle and enable him as is apparent by the retention of a defense attorney.
    For the good of society he should have been made to take responsibility for once, since his crimes have escalated into crimes against and detremental to society.
    For his own good, and the good of society, he should have done the "perp walk" through the throngs of reporters hurling questions and as an adult who is indigent does, request an attorney from the court.
    It's time he was made to grow up- but it is what it is- and let's hope to hell whomever this is that is enabling him- sees fit if and when he is released- to kennel him at their house- because they deserve him. The residents of Accomack county do not.


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