Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wallops Rocket Launch TONIGHT ! (fingers crossed)

Many have seen this rocket being taken down the many  highways section  by section over the past months.  If you were lucky you were where you needed to be instedad of behind it as it did not move fast at all, took up both lanes of a duel hightway and when it turned to make it's way onto Chincoteague Rd. it just missed the wires.

Many months later the Antares is standing erect waiting to be launched at 5:00 PM tonight. The launch is said to be the biggest and loudest launch in the 68 years of of history for Wallops Flight Center.

I wonder if the vibration from the rocket will knock you down?

The rocket launch NASA Visitor Center, Assateague or Assateague.  And some of the locals have their own viewing spots!

If you cannot see the launch in person- watch live on NASA TV or on line at

Where will you be watching the launch from?

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