Saturday, May 18, 2013

Police Catch Two Men Going Through Parked Cars

Two Clarksburg Maryland Men Caught Going Through Parked Cars

On May 15, 2013 at approximately 1:30 a.m. Ocean City Police responded to the 8800 block of Rusty Anchor Road, in reference to a citizen report of three males tampering with parked cars.  When officers arrived in the area, they observed two males tampering with parked cars by trying door handles to see if the vehicles were unlocked.

Officers confronted the two suspects at which point one of the suspects fled from police.  When officers attempted to subdue the suspect later identified as Harry Gardner Holmes, III, 25 of Clarksburg, MD, Holmes assaulted an officer. Holmes was subdued and subsequently arrested by an officer equipped with an Electronic Control Device (ECD/Taser). 

The second suspect, who was identified as Christopher Ryan Holmes, 22, of Clarksburg, MD, was taken into custody without incident.  During the on scene investigation police determined the two suspects are brothers and staying in the 94th Street area. 

Officers located several witnesses and victims and determined the suspects had gained entry to at least two vehicles.

Per OCPD procedure H. Holmes was treated by OC EMS and transported to Atlantic General Medical Center for treatment after being subdued by an ECD/Taser.  He was released from the AGH and transported by officers to the Ocean City Public Safety Building.

The suspects have been charged as follows:

Harry Gardner Holmes, III:

Two counts of Rouge and Vagabond (was in or on a motor vehicle with the intent to commit theft)

Assault on a Police Officer

Resisting Arrest

Christopher Ryan Holmes:

Two counts of Rouge and Vagabond (was in or on a motor vehicle with the intent to commit theft)

At the time of this release both suspects are being held by the Ocean City Police pending an initial appearance before a District Court Commissioner.

Ocean City Police commend citizens for reporting suspicious activity and encourage other citizens to do the same. The Ocean City community continues to be proactive when it comes to their involvement in fighting crime.   With the summer season approaching residents and visitors should check the security of parked vehicles and residences particularly ones that will be left unattended. Don’t leave valuable items such as digital devices, money or any other items of value in plain view in the interior of an unattended car.   Remember it only takes three to five seconds to become the victim of a crime.  By practicing a few simple crime prevention measures, we can continue to make it tough for criminals.  For more crime prevention information visit our web site at:

Ocean City Police Department

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