Monday, May 6, 2013

"Reasonable Risk To The Public" ~ Bail Denied!

In this mornings hearing in Judge Glenn Tyler court Shanon Dunham the Attorney for Tonya Bundick tried to appeal to the court to release Ms. Bundick on some reasonable bond. Mrs. Robin Hunter was put on the stand and testified that she had known Tonya since they were kids were in grade school. Stating that Ms. Bundicks kids needed her. When Ms. Hunter was asked by Ms. Dunham if she believed the charges against Ms. Bundick her answer was it was hard to believe. She went on to say if bail was allowed she would allow Ms. Bundick to stay in her home.

Ms. Dunham offered electronic monitoring if any was available and said there no risk of flight because the defendant had lived in the community basically all of her life and had 3 children who needed her. Ms. Dunham went on to say that the charges were not to harm people.

Mr. Gary Agar the Commonwealths Attorney told the court that the State Police had more than 70 charges pending and they did believe she was a flight risk along with the reasonable risk to the public
therefore bail should be denied.

Mrs. Dunham then stated Tonya was arrested on 4/2 with only two charges filed one for conspiracy to commit arson and the other for arson. Both pending physiological evaluation due on 5/17 and the preliminary hearing on for June and she believed a reasonable bond could be set.

Judge Tyler stated that with over 70 charges likely coming there was a risk to the public and therefore bail was denied.


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