Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jeannie Haddaway on O'Malley - Brown Administration's 'Better Results' Political Event

For immediate release: 8.28.13
Contact: Jim Pettit

Lt. Governor candidate and state Delegate Jeannie Haddaway released the following statement regarding the O'Malley - Brown Administration's "Better Results Forum" held in Baltimore this morning.  

"The O'Malley - Brown Administration is once again holding a political marketing event intended to try and persuade voters that job growth is not as bad as the numbers say there are.  One number that won't be discussed among the political spin today is Maryland's 7.1% unemployment rate as compared to Virginia's 5.7%.  The difference in these unemployment rates is the highest it has been in over ten years.  An effective use of time would be for Martin O'Malley and Anthony Brown to drive to Richmond and learn about the better choices our neighbor has made on policies that foster economic development and job growth."

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