Tuesday, September 24, 2013

David Craig on Baltimore County Common Core Meeting

David Craig on Baltimore County Common Core Meeting

For immediate release 9.23.13
Contact: Jim Pettit

Harford County Executive and Maryland candidate for Governor David R. Craig released the following statement regarding the Baltimore County Common Core meeting last week in which a parent was ejected and subsequently arrested.    

"The value in public meetings - whether it is about Common Core or any other policy issue affecting a community - is giving people the opportunity to speak.  It is a long tradition that goes back to the founding principles of our country and occurs in county and municipal forums to this day. When speech is limited or meetings are overly scripted, it tends to cause angst among all who are involved.  

"The Common Core national education standard is controversial and for good reason. It slipped under the radar in Maryland three years ago and there are serious concerns about it,  many of which are being raised for the first time.  School administrators should be holding public forums like the one in Baltimore County, but these officials will actually learn more by encouraging a robust debate and the exchange of ideas.  Their ultimate constituents are students and their parents and those voices must be heard."


Parent faces prison time after being removed from a Common Core public forum



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:13:00 PM

    Today all charges against the parent were dropped.

    Your friend,


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