Thursday, October 31, 2013


SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia

Pet experts Victoria Stillwell (of “It’s Me or The Dog”), Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Nicholas Dodman and America’s Veterinarian, Dr. Marty Becker—have compiled a list of Halloween safety tips for pet owners.

1. Keep the candy out of reach: While a single night of indulgence isn't likely to make you sick, that may not be the case with your pets. Both chocolate and the sweetener xylitol, which is found in sugar-free gums and an increasing number of other sweets, can be fatal to dogs.

2. No trick-or-treating: Don’t take your dog trick-or-treating with you, even if you’re confident that he/she will be able to handle it. Even if your dog is well-adjusted, some others you encounter may not be. Plus, seeing a bunch of four-foot tall Yodas and goblins can unnerve even the most placid dogs.

3. Put cords out of reach: Make sure all electric cords for holiday decorations are out of reach of your pets, especially if they’re chewers. Nibbling on a hot wire won’t turn out well for anyone.

4. Think twice about a costume: Not all pets look forward to putting on their favorite baseball player’s jersey or a pretty pink tutu. If your pet pants or acts stressed while dressed up, skip the costume. If your dog enjoys showing off, make sure he/she can move and stay cool while in costume.

5. Help their stress level: Be aware of how stressful the repeated ringing of the doorbell can be for dogs. Take some time to desensitize your pet to the sound of the doorbell or knocking in the days leading up to the big night so they’re prepared.

6. No answering the door: Keep your dog away from the door during trick or treating hours. Even if your dog is a good, well-mannered greeter, your smaller guests are not always prepared to see dogs bounding down the hallway or sniffing their candy bags. Plus, with the door constantly open, it’s easy for them to escape.

7. Tag them: Make sure your pet’s tags are as up to date as possible. Proper identification of all pets is necessary in case or their inadvertent escape.

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