Sunday, December 22, 2013

Worcester County Santa House Needs Christmas Miracle


Worcester County Charity Is In Jeopardy

Santa House/ WBOC
POCOMOKE CITY, Md. -He's not your typical Santa. He doesn't come flying down your chimney. He knocks on your front door, and his sleigh does not consist of deer. Instead it runs on pure Chevy horsepower. But one thing remains the same, Santa comes bearing gifts.

"You got a blanket in there and all sorts of goodies," said Dena Holloway, as she hands a bag filled with all sorts of Christmas gifts to a woman in Pocomoke City. "Alright you have a Merry Christmas sweetie."

Hollway is the director of the Worcester County charity, Santa House, and she and her team hand-deliver some gifts each year.

"It feels good to me," said Barbara Marshall, as she received her 'goodie-bag.'

Lovinia Phillips was also on Santa's list. She said it makes her "real good; real good."

But this year may be the group's last. Santa House isn't in the North Pole. It's in the Worcester County Department of Liquor Control facility, which is a problem. County officials say the independent charity has outgrown its welcome, and has to find a new home or close shop by January 15th.

"It brings tears to my eyes," said Holloway, as she fought back tears. "I hope things are going to turn around. And things are going to work out, and we are going to continue."

The Santa House serves more than 600 families in Worcester County each year, according to Holloway.

"Let's hope that there will be a place for them to stay open until they can find a new place," said Phillips.

Holloway is hoping for a Christmas miracle.


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