Friday, January 17, 2014

Accomack Board Hears Report on Wallops Park

By Wesley Edwards
The Accomack County Board of Supervisors heard a report on Wednesday night from the Wallops Park Commmittee that the Wallops Industrial Park should be open and ready for business later this year.

Mr. Young, chairman of the committee, explained that phase 1 of the development process was now complete.

 Bill Remington explained that the design process was 95% complete and that bidding documents were being reviewed and would be sent out by February 15, 2014. Timmons Engineering is overseeing the design and infrastructure for the roads and water sewer.

Mr. Bob Roop then explained that the infrastructure would be complete by September and that the taxiway would be complete by December 2014. They expect occupants to be in place as early as September.

 Carolyn Massey explained that they were in the development process of a marketing plan and were speaking with a college professor to help develop the plan.

 When questioned by Supervisor Grayson Chesser about the 3 to 5 calls per week that she had previously reported, she said she could not say exactly when people would move in but now with the park underway there would be space available for different types of industry seeking benefits of being at Wallops controlled airspace as well as being close to the activities surrounding the development of unmanned vehicles and other related Wallops activities.

 In addition to business related to the aerospace Massey explained that there would also be a study about the change of the shoreline from Long Island New York to Virginia Beach conducted from Wallops.

She then said there would be a ribbon cutting ceremony sometime in September.


Also: Wallops Research Park

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