Monday, February 3, 2014

HOGAN-RUTHERFORD TICKET FILES CANDIDACY Agrees to Limit Primary Spending to $2.6 Million

ANNAPOLIS – This afternoon Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford filed their certificate of candidacy with the Maryland Board of Elections for Governor and Lt. Governor respectively.  They also filed their notice of intent to participate in the Fair Campaign Financing Fund.

“The matching funds level the playing field for grassroots campaigns like ours and enables us to compete with the out of touch monopoly in Annapolis,” said Hogan. 

 “I also want to make it perfectly clear. No tax dollars are used in the Fair Campaign Financing Fund”, said Rutherford.

Maryland’s Fair Campaign Financing program is not funded by taxpayer dollars.  Instead, it relies on voluntary donations made by Marylanders on their State personal income tax form before the option was removed by the legislature in 2010.  Since 2010, the fund has grown strictly through investment income.  

“Every election, millions in special interest dollars pour into the campaigns of the out-of-touch Annapolis politicians,” charged Hogan.   

“By accepting these funds, we give a voice to hundreds of thousands of Marylanders fed-up with the monopoly of power in Annapolis and our campaign to change Maryland can focus on reaching voters with our common sense message of fiscal restraint and reform in Annapolis.”
By participating in the Fair Campaign Financing fund the Hogan-Rutherford campaign agrees to limit their expenditures during the primary to $2.6 million, approximately ten times the amount raised by their nearest challenger for the Republican nomination.  

Internal and external polls suggest Larry Hogan is the best positioned to stop status quo, politics-as-usual in Annapolis.  Recent polling shows just 31% of likely voters wanting to see a continuation of the current administration’s failed leadership.  In fact, this same polling indicates that Maryland voters favor a dramatic change of direction by an impressive 25 point margin.

Together, Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford have the right mix of private and public sector experience to turn Maryland around.  

A business owner for over 25 years, Larry has helped attract hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland.  He took time away from his successful business to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration, and founded the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization, Change Maryland, focused on bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense policies to Annapolis.

Boyd Rutherford is an accomplished Attorney and Operations Executive with broad private and public sector experience and expertise at both the Federal and state levels.  He has served as the Assistant Secretary for Administration at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Associate Administrator of the GSA, as well as the Secretary of the Maryland Department of General Services (DGS).
For additional information contact:
Adam J Schmidt
(443) 221-4450 office
(410) 897-7050 mobile
Hannah Marr
(443) 221-4450 office
(443) 935-3684 mobile
@Hogan4Governor | |
Authority: Larry Hogan for Governor, John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer

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