Saturday, February 8, 2014

Month Long Investigation Leads To Drug Arrests During Traffic Stop

On January 27, 2014, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team concluded a month long heroin and prescription pill distribution investigation.

 On that date the Criminal Enforcement Team conducted a traffic stop of a vehicle that was destined to the Berlin area from Delaware for purpose of distributing a quantity of heroin to an undercover detective.

During the course of this traffic stop, an individual identified as Edwin D. Horner, Age 45, of Milton, Delaware and a Juvenile, Age 17, were found to be in possession of 50 individually wrapped bags of heroin. These same two individuals are also involved in the distribution of Oxycodone to an undercover detective of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team earlier in this investigation.

The individuals were charged with the following offenses:

Edwin D. Horner III, Age 45, of Milton, Delaware
·         Conspiracy - Distribution of Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Possession with intent to distribute Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Possession of Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Possession of Heroin
·         Conspiracy - Distribution of Heroin
·         Conspiracy - Possession with intent to distribute Heroin
·         Possession of Heroin
Juvenile, Age 17
·         Possession of Oxycodone
·         Possession of Heroin
·         Possession with intent to distribute Oxycodone
·         Possession with intent to distribute Heroin
·         Distribution of Oxycodone
·         Conspiracy - Distribution of Heroin
Edwin D. Horner III was subsequently committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $25,000.00 bond.
The juvenile was referred to the Department of Juvenile Justice. 
Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

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