Saturday, March 1, 2014

Delegate Mike McDermott - PRESS RELEASE: Revenge Porn Bill Passes House


Delegate Mike McDermott
(ANNAPOLIS) -- Today House Bill 43, entitled “Criminal Law - Harassment - Revenge Porn Bill,” passed the House of Delegates. Delegate McDermott’s bill, House Bill 204 was merged into House Bill 43. Delegate McDermott (R-Worcester & Wicomico Counties) joined the efforts to supprt House Bill 204,  one of the so called “Revenge Porn” bills that the Judiciary Committee heard this year.

HB 43 makes it a misdemeanor for a person to disclose sexual images of another person without the consent of that person. However, this bill does not address the extortion issues that Delegate McDermott sought to address in HB 204.

Delegate McDermott’s “Revenge Porn” bill made it illegal for any individual to hold a person’s sexual image against them in return for goods or services, accounting for the emotional damage upon the extorted person. Not only would HB 204 protect individuals from their past sexual images getting released to the public, but it would also work to prevent anyone from using a person’s images against them.

“House Bill 43 is an important step in making sure that a person’s past cannot come back around to haunt them,” Delegate McDermott said. “I would have liked if the bill that was passed through the House covered extortion, but overall, I’m pleased to see that this issue is being addressed.” There have been a growing number of extortion cases in which an individual’s phone or computer were hacked and their sexually explicit images were stolen. Some victims of the hacking were then forced to pay money or provide a service to the hackers. While extortion is already illegal, Delegate McDermott’s bill would have enforced against any extortion in the growing cyber world.

“When certain relationships end, there are sure to be some hurt and vengeful people involved,” continued Delegate McDermott. “House Bill 43 addresses this concern and is a much needed law in this growing cyber world. While this is not the precise bill I sponsored, I am still pleased that a growing concern is now being acknowledged in this state,” Delegate McDermott concluded.

House Bill 43 awaits a vote in the Senate.

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