Thursday, April 3, 2014

PRESS RELEASE From Delegate Mike McDermott

Delegate Mike McDermott 

‘Capital Budget Passes - McDermott Votes

Mathias Votes In Favor’



 Today, the Maryland House of Delegates passed a Capital Budget of $1.17 billion and another $300 million taken from the General Fund.  The $300 million is supposed to be covered by property
tax revenues, so there may be a very large increase in those
taxes forMarylanders in the future.  Delegate Michael McDermott (R - Worcester& Wicomico) voted against the Capital Budget (Senate Bill 171), while Senator Mathias (D - Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset) voted
to support it and, thus, a further increase in Maryland’s state debt far beyond the taxpayer’s ability to pay.

There have been over eighty major tax, fee, and toll increases since 2007.  Borrowing money over and over again will put Maryland in a place where it is impossible to cover its debt payments.  Without any other supplements from the General Fund, Maryland’s only option will be to further increase state taxes. “There are many good projects in the Capital Budget, but quite frankly, voting for the Capital Budget is irresponsible with this state’s
economy. Making your grandchildren pay for their parents playground is immoral.”  Delegate McDermott told the House during the debate,  “You’re using a credit card with your kids name on it.”
The Capital Budgetincluded many earmarks far outside the scope of what taxpayers  should be funding.  For instance, it included $50,000 for the pro-amnesty illegal immigrant group Casa de Maryland. Another earmark included an appropriation the Community Forklift Facility, which may not have beenvetted through the normal Bond Bill process. The Capital Budget also included extensions for some projects that have been going on for a decade, and requests to exempt many of these organizations from required matching fund requirements.
As he has done for the past 8-years, Senator Mathias voted in favor of growing our state debt. Hehas also guaranteed that Property Tax rates will rise in the future for all
shore residents.
“His vote goes to support extremist liberal groups like Casa de Maryland who receive funding for their illegal alien advocacy at the expense of Eastern Shore familiesstruggling to live paycheck to paycheck. This must stop!” concluded McDermott.

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