Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Election Results For Pocomoke City Mayor and Council, District 3

Photo/ B. Wise
The  election results for Pocomoke City Mayor and Council, District 3 election  have been counted and the votes are as follows...

Dale Trotter........   62

J. D.Ervin .............49

Kim Jackson ........19


  1. Anonymous8:30:00 PM

    Congratulations Dale Trotter. I'm telling you, I was sure glad I'm not a Pocomoke City voter because I don't live in the city. It would have been a hard choice for me between Kim Jackson and Dale. They are both winners to me. Not sure who JD Ervin is so can't comment but anyone who runs deserves recognition and congratulations for stepping up.

  2. Anonymous7:07:00 AM

    I am naturally very disappointed with the results of our election. "Thank You" to those that did come out and support me. Congratulations to Dale Trotter.
    Kim Jackson


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