Saturday, April 26, 2014

TODAY ~ National Take Back Prescription Drug Day ~ Pocomoke City

April 26th is National Take Back Prescription Drug Day!
The location for the event this year in Pocomoke City will be Walmart Supercenter
The hours are 10 am - 2pm
Most abused prescription drugs come from family or friends.
 You can help by properly disposing of your unused medications!
 Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue, leading to accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse.
 Pharmaceutical drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs when taken without a prescription or a doctor’s supervision.
The majority of teenagers abusing prescription drugs get them from family and friends – and the home medicine cabinet.
 Unused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are flushed contaminate the water supply.
 Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives and protects the environment. Take back programs are the best way to dispose of unused and expired medications.
 Help prevent prescription drug abuse!
Check with local  police department  in your area for a drop-off location nearest you.

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