Friday, May 9, 2014

Hogan: In Gubernatorial Debate, Democrats Promote Failed Policies of Past Eight Years

Annapolis, MD – May 8, 2014 – Republican candidate for governor of Maryland today issued the following statement on last night’s Democratic gubernatorial debate:

Last night's gubernatorial debate proved what many of us have already known for months:  The Democratic candidates are out of touch with the struggles and harsh economic realities that Marylanders of all walks of life face every day.  All three candidates actively promoted a job-killing and regressive economic agenda that hiked 40 consecutive taxes, hurting the state's low-income and middle class families, and causing a 75 percent increase in unemployment and a mass exodus of 31,000 taxpayers.

“The cold hard fact is that Maryland simply cannot afford four more years of the same policies that Mr. Brown, Mr. Gansler, and Ms. Mizeur represent.  Marylanders need jobs, need to keep more of their hard earned money, and need leadership that will restore integrity to state government.  None of these candidates will usher in a new era of growth and economic stability that we deserve.

Marylanders demand change; and that's exactly what we'll give them in November.


About Hogan-Rutherford

Larry Hogan is an Anne Arundel county small businessman, former state cabinet secretary and founder of Change Maryland, the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization advocating fiscal restraint and common sense government reform.  A lifelong Marylander, he and his wife Yumi, a teacher, artist and first generation Korean-American, reside in Edgewater.  They have three daughters.

Boyd Rutherford is an accomplished attorney with a record of distinguished public service leadership as Secretary of the MD Dept of General Services, and an Asst. Secretary in the US Dept of Agriculture who was unanimously confirmed by the US Senate.  Boyd has extensive legal, small business and minority enterprise development experience.  He and his wife Monica live in Columbia, Maryland. They have three adult children.

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