Thursday, June 19, 2014

Delmarva Discovery Center Daily Summer Programs June 30th to August 31st

SUNDAY     12:00 - 1:00 Dive Dialogue
Learn about animal & human communication in the underwater world.  While diving in our 6,000 gallon aquarium, Aquarist Katie, will teach you dive sign language & Scorchy, our diamondback terrapin & her fishy friends will demonstrate their communication tricks and tips.
                      2:00 - 2:30 Fish Feeding
What do the fish at the Delmarva Discovery Center eat?  How are they fed?  Come join us for a fish feeding and find out!  See you at the aquarium tank!

MONDAY     3:00 - 3:45 A Walk to Remember*
Join our naturalists for a relaxing & educational walk on the beautiful nature trail.  Travel along the Pocomoke River, through the Cypress Swamp & into the forest beyond.  Observe three distinct plant communities competing & changing under the influence of the natural environment.  Keep your eyes open for some amazing wildlife too!

TUESDAY     1:00 - 2:00 Discovery Program
Discover more about various exhibits in the museum with a different program each week.  Learn more about the Native Americans, the animals, or even NASA.  Each week will be something new and exciting!

WEDNESDAY     10:30 - 11:00 Mommy & Me; Daddy too!
This program is specifically designed for children ages 2 - 5, but all are welcome.  Each program has a specific theme and relates back to colors, numbers, letters, or animals!  Make a craft, play a game, sing a song, and learn in a fun and engaging environment. 

THURSDAY     1:00 – 1:30 Beaver Lodge Story Time & Craft
Join us in the beaver lodge for story time & make a craft too!  Learn about beavers, their animal friends & the importance of being kind to others & the world around you!
                          3:00 - 4:00 Squeaky Clean!
Learn how our husbandry staff keeps our tanks clean.  Watch Aquarist Katie clean our 6,000 gallon aquarium and do water quality testing all while you learn how to do your own water quality testing on the same water.

FRIDAY     10:00 - 12:00 Fishing Fun*
Come fish with us at Stevens Pond!  Learn about fish native to the area & if you are lucky, catch the "big one"!  Children under 16 years of age do not need a fishing license.  All others must bring a valid license.  We will meet at the Center and walk there together. 

SATURDAY     1:00 - 1:45 Awesome Animals & Craft
Rat snakes, horseshoe crabs, snapping turtles - Oh My!  Come enjoy a 30 minute fun-filled, educational animal presentation on the many animals that call the Discovery Center home and make a related craft to take home! 

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