Monday, September 15, 2014

Parents Choice Endorses Delegate Mike McDermott

Parents Choice Endorses Delegate Mike McDermott
“He’s our Top Pick in District 38”-Parents Choice of MD
(Annapolis) Parents Choice of Maryland, a grassroots citizen organization, has endorsed Delegate Mike McDermott of the lower Eastern Shore for the Maryland Senate representing District 38 from Somerset-Wicomico-Worcester Counties.
Parents Choice states as part of its criteria for making an endorsement “We are looking for leaders who will do things to make life better for everyone.  We are looking for leaders who are focused on jobs, education, safety, the environment, our quality of life, transportation, equality, health care and retirement.  We are looking for leaders who are honest and transparent in their dealings and we believe that Delegate McDermott has earned his reputation as a leader in the Maryland General Assembly.”
In deciding that Delegate Mike McDermott met and exceeded these standards, Parents Choice noted his determination that government should exhibit common sense when it comes to taxes and spending priorities.  He has been outspoken on the need for transparency in government and has been at the forefront on introducing legislation that would make Maryland a better and more prosperous state. Delegate McDermott’s public safety background and knowledge has truly shaped major bills in the House and made the public safer as a result.
Parents Choice has also given credit to Mike for his support for women’s issues, particularly victims of domestic abuse; and his efforts to help preserve the Chesapeake Bay Trust Fund and for taking a common sense approach to restoring the Chesapeake Bay.
Parents Choice endorses both Republicans and Democrats, incumbents and challengers in its goal of seeking “…leaders who are committed to making Maryland stronger and better than it is today.”

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