Sunday, September 28, 2014

Seagull Century Cycling Event Draws Thousands to Delmarva!

The Seagull Century Cycling Event, the 26th annual has become a very popular ride for cycling enthusiasts.  This year there were more than 6000 riders.  The first ride, in 1988, had 60 cyclists.  The event has grown to a major cycling event for Maryland!   Many come to Salisbury from many miles away.  Pre-rides were available on Friday, to tour the Salisbury area, and a post -ride on Sunday goes to the Red Roost.  The annual ride, brings enormous tourism to lower Delmarva.  Restaurants, motels, and museums all benefit.  Scholarship and grant money is raised for Salisbury University Students.  Fundraising  is done for some major local charities.  Cyclists each paid $75 to ride.

Three rides are described on the Seagull Century website, 2  hundred milers and a 64 mile route.   Pocomoke's Cypress Park is a stop on the 100 mile long "Snow Hill" route.  

Riders left Salisbury between 7 and 9 am.  Bob Marval of Salisbury, was the first to arrive in Cypress Park for a rest stop. 

Weather was perfect!   Riders had a mild dry day, and light wind.  Approximately 1200 cyclists were expected to stop in Cypress Park for water, Gatorade, and pit stops.  Pocomoke City Police had roads blocked to protect riders.  A Pocomoke City ambulance and crew were on site for injured riders.  One bicycle shop set up a tent that had tools, tires & technicians for emergency repairs.

 Colorful spandex jerseys sported logos of previous cycling events, favorite bike shops, and fundraising events.   Some "spicy" shirts looked like cans of "Old Bay", while other shirts resembled the Maryland flag!  ( Santa-- please find a shirt for me!)

Pocomoke City is fortunate to be chosen to host  a rest area and help make the Seagull Century a success in so many ways.

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