Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Nearly a week after Comptroller reports massive revenue shortfall, Anthony Brown AWOL on solutions.  Will Brown slash spending, hike taxes again or run up more debt to fix shortfall?

ANNAPOLIS, MD – September 30, 2014 – Anthony Brown continues his general election strategy of refusing to directly answer questions on tough economic issues and instead, hiding behind the cut-and-paste responses of his campaign manager.  In the latest example, the reclusive Lt. Governor is absent without leave on a major report last week by state Comptroller, and fellow Democrat, Peter Franchot.  In a tough worded statement directed toward the O’Malley-Brown administration, that more than the massive $405 million tax revenue shortfall itself is the “painful reality it indicates for the budgets of Maryland families and small businesses.”

According to gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan, “Maryland taxpayers deserve to know whether Anthony Brown plans to fill this massive tax revenue shortfall by slashing programs, further tax hikes on struggling families or by adding to our $45.3 billion state debt.  Maryland needs a governor who won’t hide from reporters and avoid the tough questions on where he stands,” said the Anne-Arundel County small business owner who is running neck and neck with the sitting Lt. Governor.
“While it won’t be easy to change Annapolis, the solution is simple,” said Hogan.  “As governor, my first priority will be to submit a responsible budget that begins to eradicate the nearly $2 billion in waste, mismanagement and duplicative spending we’ve identified in hundreds of audits that have been ignored by the O’Malley-Brown administration.
“While protecting hard-working rank and file state workers whose jobs and pensions have been under assault by O’Malley and Brown, we will put senior administrators and agency heads on notice that all outstanding audits must be addressed by April 16th, ninety days after our administration begins.
“With the money we save, we will begin rolling back the Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown’s 40 straight tax hikes.  Enabling struggling families and small businesses to keep more of their hard earned money will grow our economy and create jobs.”
Excerpts from Comptroller Franchot’s statement:
Franchot: "Essentially, workers perceive that their take-home pay is headed in the wrong direction and the purchasing power for Maryland families is, in reality, diminishing,"

Franchot: “Far more important than what a $405 million shortfall means for the state budget is the painful reality that it indicates for the budgets of Maryland families and small businesses.”

Franchot:  “Six years removed from the economic collapse, and far too many families and small businesses are still waiting for the recovery they keep hearing about.”

CONTACT:    For more information and interviews, contact Adam Dubitsky at M (240)625-2683, or adubitsky@hoganforgovernor.com.

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