Friday, October 3, 2014



Chief Kelvin Sewell and members of the Pocomoke City Police Department wish to thank the Women in Action group of the First Baptist Church in Pocomoke City for their generosity and appreciation.  The Women in Action hand delivered a tray of homemade baked goods to the members of the Police Department and congratulated them on a job well done for their outstanding service to the citizens of Pocomoke City.

It is not often we receive such special treats and each and every member wishes to thank you for your thoughtfulness and time.  The baked goods were delicious and were shared with every member of the department.  The officers are proud of their commitment to the City of Pocomoke and proudly patrol our neighborhoods to deter crime and provide a safe environment for you and your families.

 Thank You

                                                                                                                                Chief Kelvin D. Sewel &Pocomoke Police Personnel


  1. Anonymous4:31:00 PM

    this is very nice, they do nice job but need to do better. they need to be in town more, that's why u city police and not highway patrol. you on the highway and we have burglaries happening all over town and sending out community alerts. how about you be alert and move your people in town and lets see more patrol on our town streets. it would help some of your police learn the town. all kinds of crowds by the health department and over by mitchells and yall aint doing nothing... you have 3 or 4 cars on 13 at once.. all should be in town

  2. Anonymous11:30:00 PM

    there is no way Pocomoke has 3 cops working at once. stop telling stories 4:31, they are public servants, stop thrashing them. when I lived in town I know for a fact only 2 work at a time, and that was always enough cause ever body gone tell on each other anyway. just come in town and listen


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