Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Wishes...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of the PPE readers!

As some of you may not know I have been quite ill for a few months. Even though I still posted on the PPE the majority of work was done from my hospital room in Baltimore City as I battled an aggressive form of leukemia.  My posts from the last few weeks came from a borrowed lap top as I rested at the home of my daughter and her boyfriend in Baltimore after treatment at the hospital during the day.

Baltimore is a beautiful city...nothing to be compared to our good old Eastern Shore, of course, but still beautiful.  Christmas there is as colorful and magic-like as it is at home- except for one area.

A few days after the first snow fall there I found myself strong enough to venture (with my daughter and her boyfriend) to 34th - The Hampdens.  (hope that is correct)

I don't suppose in my entire life I have EVER seen anything quite like this... One entire block decorated for Christmas!  Lights after lights, open homes to visit and gaze at even more decorations.  The entire block is so brightly lit you can read a newspaper in the middle of the street! 

This street is a special street as indicated by the number of  children, young and old, who walked and oohed and aahed.  Photographs do the yearly event no true justice.  However, in my mind I couldn't help but think about those Pocomoke City Police Officers who once lived in Baltimore.....I'll just bet they know what I'm trying to convey to you.

So, MERRY CHRISTMAS to the Pocomoke City Police Officers- you too Chief Sewell- and all of you there.  Thank you for all you do to keep Pocomoke - the town I love- safe.

 Here is what I found on 34th Street - 2013.

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise
Photo B Wise
Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise

Photo B Wise


  1. Anonymous8:18:00 PM

    Love the hubcap trees! How many people now even know what hubcaps are? Anyway, Merry Christmas to you, it's been a fun year!

    Your friends,
    Slim & Mrs. Slim

  2. Anonymous1:49:00 AM

    Merry Christmas!!! Hope your feeling better!!

  3. Anonymous8:25:00 PM

    I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a wish for a Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year for all.

  4. Merry Christmas Brenda and to all a good night!



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