Sunday, December 14, 2014

Santa arrives in a most unusual way!

Santa Claus arrived in Pocomoke this cloudy Sunday afternoon in a most unusual way!
As the helicopter flew over my house, I sprang to my feet to see all the clatter!  Away to 14th Street I flew like a flash, just to see the jolly old man for myself.
I saw all the children with their rosy red cheeks, standing out in the cold, just for a peek.
Anxious parents accompanying their tots,  just face it, they too, love Santa Claus lots!

It's a bird.  It's a plane. NO!  Look closely children!  It's a helicopter!   Who is that passenger in the red suit and white beard?

Why it is Santa, on loan this afternoon from the blustery North Pole!
Mrs. Claus is smiling as she leads the main man to the chair by the fireplace to visit the children.

Once Santa was inside the Community Center the crowds gathered, lining up patiently.
 Excitement surrounded the crowd as they waited to enter the building.
 Grownups peeked at the beautiful window displays.

 The line of children wove past the train gardens.

Trains are fun for young and old!

Finally the children get to tell Santa about their wish lists for this year.
May all your wishes come true!

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