Thursday, January 29, 2015

Worcester student's racist post sparks outcry

Photo stirs negative reaction among current and former students.


A racist-fueled Instagram photo circulated through the timelines of many students and athletes late Thursday evening, causing quite a stir among readers.

The photo — which The Daily Times will not post due to its nature — involved two swastikas and two skulls paired with the phrase "DAY OF THE ROPE," "HANG 'EM HIGH & HANG 'EM SLOW," rotating in a circle around a noose in the center. The emblem was based on a black background, and was likely an image taken from the Internet.

Additionally, the post said the location of the user was in "Auschwitz."

At about 11 p.m. Thursday night, the post was approximately a day old.

It garnered more than 80 likes and 37 responses on the Instagram page before being taken down before midnight Thursday.

On a Twitter account under the same username, "#RaceWarWeek" had been posted at about 2:30 p.m. Thursday, but was deleted sometime Friday morning.

Other photos on the now deleted Instagram page showed pictures of a teenage male in a football uniform that Stephen Decatur high school players wear.

Most local Twitter users were appalled as the post spread.

"My timeline consist of: teamgetaplate, racism, more teamgetaplate, more racism, a little more racism and a tiny bit more of teamgetaplate," Stephen Decatur junior guard Dayona Godwin tweeted, referring to the newly dubbed Washington High School fan section and the Instagram post.

"It's 20 freakin 15, why do people have to be so racist and disrespectful?" tweeted Kevon Turnamian, who is a well-known Bleacher Creature, referring to the fan section of James M. Bennett.

"There's another race war at Decatur?! Just grow up," former Decatur student David Bernal-Clark tweeted, which he followed with, "Racism is ignorant. Everyone is equal. Everyone just needs to get over themselves."
Friday morning, Barbara Witherow, coordinator of public relations and special programs for Worcester County Schools, was not aware of the incident.

After The Daily Times shared a screenshot of the Instagram post and the tweet, Witherow wrote in an email: "Social media activity by students is difficult to govern because it almost always occurs outside of the school day and off of school property. Almost all policies and procedures associated with student codes of conduct address infractions or suspected infractions that occur on school property, school buses, or at a school sponsored event.

"Social media activity that is disruptive to the school environment — no matter where it originates — is a matter of great concern and requires action."

Witherow continued: "Although I cannot speak directly about a specific case, I can assure you that cases brought to our attention are addressed in the manner explained. It is absolutely essential that our schools have environments where all students feel safe and respected."

At about 4 p.m. Friday, the Instagram account was deleted, but Twitter spoke the verdict.
"They made me delete my Instagram :-/," the user tweeted. On Twitter/Instagram: @DTimes_Marshall

When a school is made aware of social media activity that is disruptive to the school environment, the following actions are taken:

The student is immediately interviewed to investigate the activity.

Parents are contacted and informed of the activity.

Every effort is made to have inappropriate postings deleted.

Consequences are determined based on a student's previous violations, the severity of the activity and the specifics gleaned from the investigation.

If criminal activity is suspected, law enforcement is contacted.

A student may be referred to school counseling or services available in the community, depending on the outcome of the investigation.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:28:00 PM

    Why is it wrong to be white and proud?


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