Thursday, August 20, 2015

Just an idea for clarity

For obvious reasons the city of Pocomoke is unable to release details about exactly why Kelvin Sewell was fired as the chief of police since it is a personnel issue. Now I know the public wants to know exactly why he was fired and the former chief has told his side which in certain aspects does not line up with what has been said by a few others. An idea for Mr. Sewell and his lawyer what if to clear the air because he stated in an open meeting with the city Council asking why he was fired which in my opinion opened the door for the information to be released. What if a letter signed by Mr. Sewell and his lawyer submitted a letter to the city releasing them of all liability and authorizing the full disclosure of all information pertaining to him being fired. Mr. Sewell, this could be how you can clear the air and let the citizens know what really triggered the termination and end the divide in our city. I love my city, and this could potentially solve the problem. Let what is in the dark come to light and this way potentially all could be brought out with no liability on the city.


  1. Anonymous7:13:00 PM

    Took the words right out of my mouth.

  2. Anonymous7:18:00 PM

    The law is a funny thing; it is exacting but not necessarily logical. While your idea is logical I'm not sure that a letter from Mr. Sewell or his attorney would release the Mayor and Council from their obligation to keep personnel matters confidential. That's why they have law schools and lawyers.

    Your friend,

  3. Anonymous9:52:00 PM

    Sewell most certainly can submit a Consent for Release of Employment Information which would then allow the city to release the information to a third party/parties.

    It's a very simple 2 sentence document-

    I hereby give permission to Pocomoke City to release my employment information related to my termination.
    I understand why I have been asked to disclose my information, and am aware of the risks or benefits of consenting to the disclosure of my information.

  4. Anonymous7:31:00 AM

    He'll never agree to it. He wants to drag as many ppl as he can down with him. Plus, he knows the more bs he feeds JT that gets posted on-line the less likely it is when the truth is revealed anyone will believe it.

  5. Anonymous8:06:00 AM

    It's more than obvious that Sewell isn't being completely forthcoming.
    He has already said that he was fired because he refused to fire 2 officers. If in fact that were the ONLY reason he was himself fired, he would have already waived confidentiality and anyone who wanted would have a copy of his file in hand. His actions speak of someone who is hiding something.
    And I don't want to hear it's because of a pending lawsuit or any other BS. That's an excuse since he's already given a reason publically for his firing. If that's the reason and the only reason then prove it.

  6. Anonymous8:14:00 AM

    LES blog has an interview w/Ms Downing posted and in it she referrers to an anon phone call. The interview is heavily edited so it is vague but you can conclude that Sewell made the anon call and admitted to it. The call had something to do with a March drug investigation.
    The big question is who received the call, what was said during the phone call and why was a chief of police sneaking around making anon calls. that in and of itself being unscrupulous.

  7. Anonymous9:03:00 AM

    JT has spent his lifetime being someone's useful idiot and to make matters worse he is a pathological liar who does so because he has a compelling need for attention.
    He posted that the DOJ was doing an investigation and that Pocomoke had to pay back the grant money.
    Not true. The visit from the DOJ was previously scheduled and is part of the granting process according to the DT's who received an email explaining from the DOJ.
    Sewell knew this pre scheduled visit probably and strung low IQ JT along making him think it was something dubious going on that called for an investigation and JT always so eager to please and too stupid to know any better ran with it.

  8. Anonymous10:42:00 AM

    But but but I thought Sewell was fired because he refused to fire 2 black officers from the PCPD? Diane Downing says it was because of an anon phone call he place.
    Someone's lying, either Kelvin Sewell or Diane Downing.

  9. Anonymous10:54:00 AM

    The situation is unfortunate, but a police official with a propensity to make anonymous telephone calls in relation to a criminal investigation, needs to be relieved of their duties immediately upon it being ascertained that they were behind the telephone call.

  10. Anonymous9:42:00 PM

    sounds like sewel lucky he aint in jail

  11. Anonymous4:17:00 AM

    JT is on my ****list. He posted something a while back on whats going on in PCity. His pandering to the race baiters was followed by a handful of salivating commenters who were allowed to paint a picture of Pocomoke as a large cotton field.

    I couldn't resist myself and decided to indulge in my mischievous and mocking nature :)

    I poignantly called attention to the flaws in their near flammable statements as well as the author's aparently skewed vision of Pocomoke as if he is viewing the situation unfold from a low-fi webcam on 28.8 baud dialup modem from Salisbury

    My opposition to their self-gratifying whimperings was gloriously scathing, yet had truth and reason. I submitted my thoughts as anonymous(as I do now) not because I feared being a pariah in the comment section of a ridiculously biased and poorly written article on a well scorned website, but because I have no say how my unfiltered clarity will effect my family.

    I pressed the button to publish my musings and awaited the author's approval of my comment. I eagerly checked back several times. The next day several more times. The following day several more times. All to no avail. It seemed evident to me, my solo did not fit into the key everyone else was playing and it did not make it into the song. The author, JT, wouldn't approve of my nails on his hypothetical chalkboard.

    My only conclusion is that he is a coward who flees from a well informed debater and is incapable of even considering anything short of his narcissism.

  12. Anonymous8:12:00 PM

    You see JT is the only blog site that will post Sewells lies and he won't allow any other comments against him. That there shows cover up for one. Secondly, Sewell was never a lientemant for Baltimore PD not a senior Sergeant he was a detective sergeant until he was removed from the unit for failing a polygraph. He wants so badly for the people to perceive him as a honorable guy. He is far from honorable folks. Stay tuned.....

  13. Anonymous9:58:00 PM

    Spell check above * lieutenant* gotta love phones!

  14. Anonymous5:33:00 PM

    Still waiting on that letter. Don't hold your breath


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