Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mayor And City Council Meeting.

Monday night's meeting of the Pocomoke mayor and city council was addressed by two local pastors representing the group "Citizens For A Better Pocomoke" who asked that former Pocomoke police chief  Kelvin Sewell be reinstated to his former position.

According to an Associated Press report, Mayor Bruce Morrison said he was willing to work with the group but "I don't see that happening, bringing Chief Sewell back."

The AP report stated the meeting began on a cordial note but turned into sharp exchanges between audience members, the mayor and councilman George Tasker, and the mayor brought the meeting to a close.


  1. Anonymous9:45:00 AM

    Wouldn't it be a good idea for The Citizens group to wait until the EEOC is finished w/their investigation? They are the ones who are tasked w/determining if race played a part in the termination.
    If they determine race was an issue then that's when The Citizens should be acting and not now because all they are doing is jumping to conclusions based on a one sided story.
    Quite frankly they are making fools out of themselves because prudent people KNOW that there are always more sides to a story.

  2. Anonymous10:09:00 AM

    Morrison can't be trusted, fires the Police Chief but can let his son run free for murder.

  3. Anonymous10:11:00 AM

    The Rev White was very cordial last night and it is appreciated that he and his group have decided to allow the process or investigation to continue, showing trust in all. I feel that once all the information is known that our town will ultimately grow and become even better and be stronger for it.

  4. Anonymous4:11:00 PM

    That's excellent to hear 10:11. I admit I was a little more than irritated at some of the things that were going on, but I knew in my heart that these are good people who had a shock they weren't expecting and emotions were running high.

  5. Anonymous1:19:00 PM

    This is getting funnier and funnier by the moment. It's like a circus and the latest clown act coming is some dude named Carl Snowden. Supposed to be a civil rights activist and he's coming to Pocomoke and boy are they all jazzed up over it.
    Snowden will fit right in. He's got his own drug issues. It's right on md case search.

  6. Anonymous2:38:00 PM

    People need relize that when it all done its us peoples that live in "this fine community." and "i assure" you, once the truth is out all this outside people will be home and it will be just us left to pick up the peace if we don't stop listenin to seweed and do as rev white and the mayor says, wait for the completed investigation... its gone be good, look at all the smoke screens seweed keeps makin you all concentrate on. bottom line he needs to bee looking for a job.

  7. Anonymous3:32:00 PM

    How much longer for this investigation to be over and will the findings be made public. I was a big supporter of Sewell prior to his termination, but it's gotten to the point that he's worn out his welcome, and needs to immediately return right back to where he came from.

  8. Anonymous4:05:00 PM

    I knew Carl Snowden 40 years ago. Snowden = Al Sharpton Lite.

    Your friend,

  9. Anonymous5:26:00 AM

    Wouldn't it make sense for them to hire a new chief so we can get this behind us, he aint gone be chief again..and if he takes the city to coiurt he still want be chief again..so I say hire a new chief and a new city management
    tired of the mud slinging, lets hire new chief and new city manager then we can start fresh


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